The tnv basie lypes of quilling shapes are called rolls and serolls. The best »«»)’ to learn how to quill is In practiee m.tking tliese shapes. Cut 4" lenglhs of tpiitling paper a tul usc dl tux ofyour tools to make tlić shapes Becauseyou often neeti to kmnv how to make oneshape beforeyou cali make anotlier, make the shapes in tlie order lisled Mon ... tlte sha/tes sltonn have been enlarged to show you the detali /Is you make each shape. gtue it to a sheet of cardstock, then lahd the shape so you ean re/er lo il iater as you assenddcyour shafKS irdo projeets. Rcinember, practiee makes perfecl!
Tight Roli
Tightly roli llic paper arouiul your tool. Use a tootlipirk lo apply a smali amouiil of gluc to the ciul ol your strip, then press the eiul against the roli for a fctv stronili before rc»toving the roli front the tool.
Start by mnking a tight roli. Aftcr the gluc has dried, gently push the center of the roli out and up and you tvill have a eone shape. \ovv, apply a drop of gluc to the inside of the grapę roli to help it kccp its shape.
l.oosc Koli
Roli a tight roli. but remove the roli front your tool before you gluc it. lay tlte roli tlat, and allow it to uneoil to tlte desired sizc before gluing the eml lo the roli. The longer you wait before you gluc the end lite larger and looscr your roli will be.