llsr ywr slottol tooi to mak* thef* ihtpts .iw/ w»u e.i«'f $o Hnw. iMh strip of paper will makr tno bobblr*
Carrfully cut your p.ipcr \ln;» in ImI! di.igon.illy tu mak* iwo tong. thin triin&lćv Kir cjkh ł»ot»blc. Mart wilh thc widf md of your triingte .ind tighth rod one Miogit Cluc thc tliui rm! of your trwngtc to thc roli to wcurc.
A lw\kn\£ i* .i urtrs of Lmg, thin sfupa modę by nroppiąg •i >4np of q\ritling pMper .iron rad a Ir itr of /'rm imrrtoJ thnMigb a piece of gr.tpft ptptr on \vur \\ork Kwi/ firit piotr j ptrtr of gr.iph popcr ora your ivori U\ud Noiv. folkming tlić grid of your paper and >|uriug your pin* .iparl .i% dcurcd. iiucrt your pin* in o itraight. mtiril linc at thc grid mtmcetiom on piprr. Bcginning wilh on cnlirc Icngth of paper (you eon glut onother *trip to thc cml ot tliis >trip Liter if you need o longer vtrip). make a unaJI fold .tbraut 1 V from twe crad of your paper Mrip and *hook* it oround your bottom pin WYop tlie *trip up .iikI oround thc *ctond pin .nul Kuk to thc fir*t pin; gluc to xvurc. Noiv «tl1 you need to do i* cocitimic ivr*pptng and gluing thc striparound tarli pin. When you navr rc.it hed thc tlc%irctl length. cut off .m\ c.vco* paper th.it you hovc łeft