(a) Matek the idioms 1-15 with the correct definitions a-o. Write your answers in the boxes on the page opposite„
a eon trick a fence i
an inside job
biow the whistle on someone/some-thing
X(of gooda) to be stolen bribe someone
A discover Bomeone in the act of committing a crime
„cK a dishonest trick played on someone in order to get money from them
case a joint & legitimize money obtained illegaUy
catch someone red- X publicly reveal something illegal or handed dishonest
cook the books
do a btmk^Rf 'JglQ do time
fali off the back of ,
a lorry K • -^r.
y >u*-rt-ićtyugc: ~ycc* w
go straight
Xstealing a car and driving it, often dangerously, just for fun
X examine or inspect the place you intend to rob
grease someone’8 palm
.firclą c ^
launder money
gbt bff ścot-free7?
someone who buys and sells stolen goods
avoid punishment completely
falsify a company’3 accounts; cheat at bookkeeping
a crime committed by someone connected with the place or organisation where the crime took place
jh serve a prison sentence
X give up a criminal way of life; not break the law again
X disappear without telling anyone where you are going
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
16 |
J |
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L |
h |
c |
i |
O |
Of |
w |
4- |
b |
cf |
-e |
(b) Complete the following sentences with a suitable idiom. Choose from the ones listed aboue and make changes to the verbs where necessary.
1 The police c6~l ^c ^ the thieves YfductudtfU as they were leaving the shop through a back window.
2 The mysterious disappearance of one of the cashiers shortly
after the robbery confinned the police’s suspicions that it had been an jfrfe
3 He only got the contract because he . a govemment
offidaPs . .p&hll__ ^ ^
4 He had been ce<bt hCf JhŁ fer years, tiying to cover up the £10,000 he had taken from the company.
5 When Tom came out of priaon after serving two years, he
promised his girlfriend that he would ęę gkL. and never
steal again.
6 A few years ago, my cousin ćhd _ for fraud. He was in prison for three years oltogether.
7 Don’t buy those cassette recorders. If they’re that cheap they
mnnt h«vfl fcJle* cff IM kaci cf o. lo-Y-ry
8 Although the połice knew they had committed the crime, they couldn’t prove it, so the men ąsUfL-^?*'
9 Most bank robbers &*>* oi je ■ n t thoroughlv before attempting to rob it.
10 He drcl O- in the middle of the night to avoid paying his
hotel bill.