,. . naocr the following stuleniem... "gvnv eneodhiu nsuhiM , .
4, You have mad m the seientinc papu • * wt* d&hy^p
tn 60% homolotous to the mlif dchydrogenone gene encodetl by Sacc/taromycM c«,evUla.IWf§ % Please, commant on (his sentence basedon the mateHał awt/ab/efmm Mo/ecu/ar
€>les C&tt* cd&t 2
aećiJt/Cltć£' ^ccułtct
lec turę. (max 2 sen ten ces)
the gamę <mceshs>tr —+*
SmjMues and- ćKaa ton, dutrt/tuj -łha/r ewohatooti ^
acid is cncoded hyo"*y
5. The genetic codę is called degenerated. This means that single amino single codone/by morę than one codone (cross out the wrong answer).
/00 %) changes in the first position of codone affects the encoded amino
&0 %) changes in the second position of codone affects the encoded amin
0 %) changes in the second position of codone affects the encoded amino
acid acid
Compańng DNA sequenccs encoding orthologous proteina from di Dereni spocie# one would cxpect that differenc the nu cleotide sequence arc dependent/wtindepWHteHt on (cross out the wrong answer) the position of a given nucJeotide in a codone and that the most changes would be observed for nuclcotidcs a the-nenc/ flrHtAseeond/4h*rd (cross out the wrong answer) position of codone.
\s. 09/m*aitę(37)J0* Using short nanieś: Sccp for S. cerevlstae or Spar for S. S-pvradoxvsQB) \paradoxus etc. list the species that form etades consisting of at least s. rrujtatae(37) (4 species. Glve a short (I sentence) definition of clHdc.
\itX0t onle <stKiceshcnr. e ^
5c&' , Sy3cvr! Swulc , S WiuX/ SJb<Xu, ■ tJcOLS
S. kud(loz$ytt(4Z)
_| S. bayanus(48)
U (MSł&til (31) t
C gfabrata (41) - K. wafflffi)
■S. Muyml (45)
’ K łacł/$ (39)
■—* 9assyp*(66)
7. N. casteUi is morę closely realated to C. glabrata thnn to S. cereyisiae Ym/NO (cross out the wrong
Wm one jra
£xplain your answer (1 -sentence).
o. cLeceitoLcwir Ęp £'(il(Lb/ra.t<x. clIso o.oc