Fverycne foves Christmas It is the favourite and most eageriy awaiiSed hoiaa * f-fjis is a uniąue tiirne when people try to be kind. fnendly and genemus to one snoihei . ^ geern to forgot all tneir problems. guarreis and just enjoy being tooethe^ 'żhri^trna^
■ <ece<fed by many days of preparation Streets are lit by coloured lamos shops am t.,ii y ■ £ buynrig presents choosing Christmas cards, Christmas tiees grę set up in ęyo i,,- ■ t TC, 3ecar3ted wi.th sparkltng tmsel, candles chams toys and trinkets The atmoscie-c--i ■ cement and expectat,on can be felt almost everywhere The day pre^eoMig Christn 3‘> E < a jmque one (t j.s believed that everythmg that might happen on ,t mighl influence |f| ,vjic;e y ear to co me Much attention, for instance, is paid to the person >vho first eniers the -0ii5e and ir it is a man he ensures welfare to all members of the farr,>iv Some popie sny -j- ■ you ask for food on that day, you will be hungry throughout the year The momeni e.eryone waits for is Christmas Eve. When the first star appears in the sky people lane seat-3- aie Christmas table They do not forget about leaving an empty place ‘or an une«pe;:tęo gaesi The table is covered with white tablecloth and hay is spread on it
A^other custom is the number of dishes. Traditionally there should be twelve of them and they nrrosf aM be tasted. The most popular dishes are red borsch, pies or sour cabbage with “.5""coms, fish (usually carp) and poppy-seed cake. Before the family starts eating, all its rsembers share the holy wafer. There is also a custom of giving presents and everyone may *'-i someftang nice under the Christmas tree At midnight many people go to church to attend a speoa mass during which Christmas carois are sung. This night is miraculous because 11 be eved mat animats can speak with human voices. The first day of Christmas, 25 Deeember >s usually spent at home. Work is forbidden It is believed that washing hands with 5 .6' co ns in the mornmg may bring money. On that day carol-singers dressed as an angel. s 3ev K rg Herod or Death visit people‘s houses. They smg carois and play various scenes frcm the 8*ble. The second day of Christmas is spent in a different way People pay and 'r:s.e tfisits. spend much time at the table talking or singing carois From that day the Camswai begtos.