Fol Iow iliis out ereu in tlić deptli <»f wiufer. It is one of tbe preat s«*«-rt*ts of loujj life.
4. 15e edenu hotli in mind and body. “Olennliness is next to podliuess." It is .a fmlilimtiou apuiust disease.
ó. Worry uol uor priori*. Tliis adriee may m*ni lmt eold philosopby and to be easier to pire tlian to fol Iow; uerertheless I hnre kuown persons of a worryinp disposition al-niosl entirely break thomsclres of it by a siniple cffort of (be will. Worry kills.
(i. Leara to lorę work and hate indolenee. The luzy man nerer beooiues a eentennriau.
7. ITare a hobby. A man witli a hobby will nerer die of senile deeay. TTc bas al-ways somethinp to oeeupy eitlier mind or body; tberefore tliey remain fresli and ripor* ons.
8. Take repular exereise in tlie open air, but aroid oreresertion.
0. Keep repu lar liours. and insure su fil -clent sleep.
10. Beware of passion. Retnomber tbat