IMG 25

IMG 25


Mmii, Robert (Contir.ued) peets of Mach’s philosophy and style, 189

Myhill, John (American philosopher): w rotę on eloseness of Mach’s ideas to thosc of Bishop Berkeley, 27, 95-96

Naivc rcalism (an cpistcmological pesition contrasted with phenomenalism and causal rcalism): defined, 10; difTerent from coinmon sense, xi; comparcd with phenomenalism, 11; Watson*s view, 70; mentioned, 305-203, 243 Natroism (vicw that sensory space is immcdiately givcn and not inferred): Mach impressed hy natisism of Muller and Hering, 55, 59; Mach unable to fully rcconcilc his nauvistic with his element and rclational conccptions of space, 66-67, 331

Naturę, philosophy of: Boltzmann’s thcor>' of reality usrd outside of his philosophy of science, 214-215. See also Ontology

Naturę philosophy (a spreulativc, organie approach to naturę such as uscd by Goethe. Schcliing, and Oken): op-poscd by Bnickc, Helmboltz, and Du Eois-Rcymond, 57; physics returning to?, 89; aspects of Fcchncr's philosophy, 29-30; rcecnt book* written by quantum theorist, 315 Negatise allics (agreed with Mach on what they opposcd, i.c., mrehanistie c.xplanation, but not on posińse doc-trines): Ostwald, 192-193: Dricsch and Hackel, 193; Minkowski. afit Neo-Kantianism (a German mosement led by Friedrich Lange): opposed rcal-ity of atoms, 89 Nco-Realism. See New Rcalism Nernst, Walthcr (German physicist): taught Heinrich Mach, 148; Nobel prizewinner and student of Boltzmann, 232

Ncumann, Clcmens: Mach'* laborarory assbtanr, 329

Ncumann, Franz (K.ónigsberg physicist): Mach wanted to study under him, i.j Ncurath, Otto (member of the Vicnna Cifde): influcneed by Mach's ideas 3t an early Vicnna group (1910), 183; hcld a confused cpistcmology, 186; left wing background, dcvclopcd "phyj* icalism," 304-305; very criiieal of Wittgcnitcin*! rnystical attiturlc. 308

Neurological inhibition: associatcd with Mach bands, 49; also occurrcd with auditory rcception, 50

Ncutral monisrn (the notion the pure phenomenalism prcccdcs distinctions such as "physical" or "mcntal," a vcr-balism uscd to escape traditional catc-gories such as subjcctivc idcalism): Mach’s position in his 1886 Contribtt-tions to the Analytis of Sensattons, 64; after reading Mac.Ys book William James adopicd the position, 126-127; at first Russell opposcd ncutral mon-ism, 109; acccptcd it, 200; Russell thought James originated it, hut latcr gavc the priority to Mach, 200; somc New Realists also adopted it, 202; Lenin considcrcd it the basie erro: of Mach's philosophy, 244; mentioned, 70, 211

New Buddhist Socicty (Ccylon): trans-latcd Mach*s works to help spread Buddhist doctritie on the ego, 289

New Rcalism (an American presentation-alist philosophy, taking aspects from phenomenalism and naive rcalism): 1910 manifesto signed by Perry, Holt, Montague, Marvin, Pitkin, and Spauld-ing, 202, 345; Mach contributed ncutral monism and functional exp!anation to it. 202-203: opposed Mach'* "psychol-ogisni" and crnphasis on ‘‘biological needs,” 202; movcmcnt opposcd during the i92o’s by Critical Rcalism, 202-203; mentioned, 199, 206

Newton, Isaac: ideas on thcoretical physics, 90-104: Mach's attacks on, 95-104: Ncsvton's ideas not complcte or perfcct, but Mach prefers them to F.instein’s rhcory of rclativiiy, 321: Mach fclt Newton was right in limiting hirnsclf to threc-dimcnsional geometry in phys-ir*. 265; Mach’ł textbooks omit his criticisms of Ncwton's ideas, 141; Einstein influcneed by Mach'* criticisms of Newton’* physics, 248-249; Einstein praise* Newton as going bcyond Mach's phcnomenaliłtic approach, 258; men-tioned, xi. 183. 207, 221, 222, 260, 275, 291. See also Space; Time; Mo-tion

Newtonian physics. See Classical physics

Ncwton's buckct expcrimcnt. See Buckct cxpcrimcn«

Niesiołowski, General Viklor von (Aus-trian scicniist-arrny offiocr): rernem-

alism, 40

Parallelism, psychophysical. Set Psycho-physical parallelism

Particie-svaves: lack elear phys:cal mcan-

bcrcd Mach's Virnna lecturc. 155; discuesions with Mach and list of his courscs. 156; attackcd Planck on basis of Maćh’s anticipation of quantum thcory, 3io-3ir

Nietzsche, Friedrich: similaritics in cpis-tcmology with Mach, 123: Mach'$ op-position to superman conccpt, 124 Nochotowich, Yladimir (Russian student, latcr at /.urich): deseńbed philosoph-icai battlc in Russia ovrr Mach’s ideas,


Nornbrc dc Sarrau: French term some-limes uscd for “Mach number," :ia Non-Eudidean geometry. See Geometry, non-Euclidcan

Nyman, Alf: wrote on Hugo Dinglcr as the "young Siegfried" of the neo-positivist movcmcnt, 192

Odstrćil, Johann: co-authorcd icstbook with Mach, 139, 339 Oettingeu, A. von: mentioned, 44, 158 OfTenbach, Iacqucs: mentioned, 2}9 Olmfltz. Univcrsity of: mentioned, 4 Omological phenomenalism. See Phrnom-cnalism, ontologica!

Ontology (thcory of bcing or reality): Mach s, 167; vicws of Mach and Roltz-inann contrasted, 215; Mach's ontology close to that of Buddhism, 295; Mach's vicsvs distiuguished from Newtnn's, 90; relation to mctaphysics, 167; Locb's ontology, 130-131; Einstein not grcatly atTcctcd by Mach** siews, 348; Cirnap elaimed to havc no ontology at all, 303; attempts at linguistic reduction, 231; mentioned, 93

Optics: Mach's incuiry why geornrtrically similar objecis arc also optically similar (Gestalt psychołogy). 17; hrtt gmdc disciplinc under Mach, 43: Mach’s lec-tures on, 156: Mach’s work for book on, 162, 273; Ludwig Mach’* work on, 273, 282-285: mentioned. 85, 304 Oprict (Ncwton*s book on nibjcct): men* tioncd, 90

Ordinary languagc philosophy: men-tioncsl, xi. 309-310 Orth, J,: mentioned, 230 Osnobschin, G. V.: Russian scicntist who worked in Mach'* Praguc laboratory, 236

Osterhout. W. J. V.: Locb\ biographer 130-131

Ostwald, Wilhelm (hclpcd found physica.

chemntry, Nobel prizewinner): influ-eneed by Mach's Science 0/ Meehsmc/. 117-119; background, 117; deseloped thcory of energcticism, 89. 117; dis-trusted Mach's support of his cnergeti-cism, 1x8; Mach s negatise ally, 192-193* 260; joincd Mach in supporting gymnasium reform. 136; publiihcd chcmistry boo< with no refcrence to atoms, 204; opposcd Bflltzmann’i work, 87; lost debatrs to Bdtzrnann at Lu-bcck, 154, 204-206; .n Vicnna, 211; also present at debatę in St. Louis agaimt atomimt, 210; Boltzmann be-liescd he had misunderstood Mach. an; leader of First lintcrnational Monistic Congress, 193; o/Tered presidency of Monistic Society to Mach, 194; de-dincd to give Einstein a job as an assis-tant, 249; Stuinpf 3ttackcd his cncrget-icism, 227; Planck opposcd his ener-gctictm, 222; Ostwald abandoned his energcticism and accepted the atomie thcory, 216-217; mentioned, 126, 147, 196, 209. 239, 289, 307 Otolith function: Breucr's work on. 54 Ouilines of the Thcory of the Motor Smudom (Mach's book culminating his work on labyrimh and scmidrcular canal function): footnotc rcfcrciKcs to. 328, 329. 330. 355; mentioned. 42, 54. 287

Palacky, Fraatilek (Czech historian, leader of Czech Rcnaissance): tried ta cnlist Mach to support Cxesh nation-ig. i*3-3i8

li, Wolfgang (the elder): Mach sup-orter, bccanic orJtnarius profesor n henna, 300

li, Wolfgang (d>c younger): Machs

odson. 315;    ,nflucniC on C^,pca

jgen interpretttion of quantum thcory. 13; turned towarJ Gern-m naturę hilosophy in his Uter ycan. 315 hen. Friedrich (Cerman cducational eformer): d.scwcred recen: or.g.n ot umanistic argument. IJJ-U*; • eld limilar vicsv» on gsmiusium re-arm.    Loeb duplcascd by his

raching approach. .30: Cement likcd it, lM


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