tnfin, tiv= without (bers ;nfiniivc’
• Afte r nadal '.erbs leccept cug hi
t.g.: Aloohol car hurt ycu.
• After ce rain ved)S! inegins, mss, foigive, sugges-
E.g.: She 5uggfes;edirf ormrg ihe stidents aboutthe law.
<1 ifinitiuo with to
Eg. Marrroahapp^t© hcor his fiendwas out ofdanger.
• Aftercsrtair ve-bs; aęree, ask de:iie,
■fccgefc, kelp- leam, dfer, prtpare, •■•ant,
Eg. Theydecdedtojdnthe TAD.
herscrae proftasonol edv»ce.
1. You sH-auld o-Ps r____
5. You nrust______I* walce up) an-d______(f nd) ihe -igbt s-dutiors
-1. Shs ircetcd cr_____(net Ndt}Łhs p-cbbrmj ydumay_______
lha\® '• r yzudńnlc
_ y''or
° o,- jy I o £sr y _ <? =h
1. :t's hard________(ima9ne)______(go) -.hrough t hese dffizułt
3 (tuatioOS.
2. £he s^rsed_______(taks) hsr b&stfrisne toths as-socaticr.
3. After_______(łailj a bręathtest; yxj nust_______Igo) tothe
poiics staticn.
4. He ga.® up_______(s malce)two vee<s naw.
'i. ^he irKrctorl m nnt________(toII) hir» -ho tri łh.
6. Theymadehim_______(listen) tothereonversation
7. Tuj łsii'1______(uHins) in will tu.1_______(as k) pei misiu i
8. They 'anted________(be od me) expers in tedndogy.
9. &ąfor=_____(co) to bed vou must______(com b) wjr hair.
10. Ann is so unfit that she car ________(tcuch) Ker toes v«t toirt
_______(Le i«J) Iw kiwas.
11.1 don't mirri_______(cet up) earfy.
A) Finishtfie senteices aelovr so that they h3ve asimilara similar meanin-g to thie ones at*ove.
1. I wert to tha theatreavJ3 lifcedrt.
I liked_________________
2. Wtould you ike :o keep> me ompany? - ^
Ars y:u ints rested in____________ {*■
3. You shouldn't sal so marry hamburgera.
You had better______________ Y &
4. &eingagocd studsnt e net tiffitułi Ajr
tl'» edsy T&f'S>'
5. Mark 'as aloivedtodrink ak-ołol at the party i
They fet Mark_______________ J°
6. Wherl was 16 Iwas taught todri.e. • J
I kamt ho.v _
•a r>\