Palette or paper piat??
Rcint of your chcice*
Bfack marker (optional)
Gł'itter point; or white głue ono' glitter** (optional)
Flnd a (ish-shapcd
Choose a smooth, fiat rock that has a "fishy'' shape. Pictures of real fish can give you ideas. When you find a rock you like, scrub it dean.
*If you arent pfanning to pot your fish in a bowi of wateo you can ose any kina' of point If you aro, vse outdoor ocryfic point.
"Wbite giue and glitter iso t wateroroof
Ygu can use ihese fish as guides for drawing your fish, Or you can enlorge łbem on a cop;er and tracę one on to your rock with cańion pcper
Draw the fish
Use a pencil to draw the head with a curved linę and give the fish a round eye. At the other end, draw a fan-shaped taił and draw triangles above and below the taił.