

TFSr 4

Titanic you ‘o< ;    .irytcion Hat Tho ronccrt by the

Sundowners uue to lakę placu co Saturday 9th September jt 7 50 p m. wil' now Cc tseto at trio Arts Centre, Moreny at 8 p rr> ttckat p«cs rrirv»in unchariyed. ot 114. £10 anil £7 50

X A student at your college is descrihiiuj the room Ile is rentiny. What dors he not likc about ilr


rts position


its cost


its size

Yeah, i was toky to get ń - tfc w dose tc colk-ge thjt l eon woik. and its rot cost/ng mc a fortuna. lt\ o bit oi» th* muli •■r.iy (huogh. and rv« yot -w of rrry stuff ur*Jcv the o«l

You will hear part of a radio proyramtne where mentbers of the public ask ąuestions. hor guestions 9 to IX. compkte the notes which summarise what the speaker says. You will need to write a word or short phrase in each box. You now huve 4 5 seconds tn whuh to look at ran 2.

R:    and on »/« tu <xtr next c.wtęr, ton. frcmi

Nottniyham. Heflo. toin What's yooi qut*stion?

'    Y«, hello. 1‘d nke to knciw tliis Wtten did pt-opr- fii«

start brudiing tceth?

R: Wefl. tnat\ o (juwion that l’m sou- mą-iy <>\ our lisreners woold likc to knov/ tłu1 onswr tn Itwso v.hcn wc lyt* ot magaiine towws »•*! see tlie gl“.!.Tinu smilts Uiorn. ifs bard to imagine a Ur-C y/fu-n peopfe didn't t.iVe rsui of thtir toetK 0ot tha uwth r. insi Ufth ha/rn t aKvays becn wcłl looktd .iftci Iri thr Brori/p Ai>. ssticn .many pe^;:r d«d in therr Lite tk*rlies. rhry b«£ alieady lost o? theu tirth Bul 701X1 years ago. the Romans t<xik tcotli vcry scnaisly Th«y w.inteo to ke*y ibcir tfdh sf«nv .ird Ckun tr■<*•/ used a rewture mano from Usncs ot -.kcls Ifiat had 1x^0 gtuutyj u;> into txxsto>r. Tlipn truty Twd the powie? yath tioncy >n form a pasto, ono -oOocU tr.ę pastę agamst tneir tecth using tre* firgers. Of COutse. ycxi om sec tliat thęit orushetg yw.rt'l a. affectu/e as 't rrwjht hjwo been. lar ativoos teasons

In a numhcr ul diffc-rmt culturcs. brtyshcs wette madę \>j Matmy r< cfKV/ir»g tv.igs Aitotber yojiolar Custtitn in Ihe Middk1 Fint W.« 10 iCas^ a twrfg m waier mr«r<qht. »h« eltrr; cf tlie svate- rr.sde the fert-. cf tne twśg %t»Vi lo 'om a fcrujh. But it was tk« Chincse wlx> fes* tnadc t<x>tn fcnystse; as v.v now krmw thti::. that is biiishcs 'ixęd perpe^cuUt tc thr handle. ttvs dC>v.'«irT»nt :oo< place 10 tl e t«l$0\

.ti 18Br., «n Amencan nam«d Scott patffited tfu- first <'esi'< toothtirush. In? -■* was .•.•gę .inri uncomfortalilr tu teat, and faileif mrrate rhc irep-ir.t    nod ttetęted lor Rut with goto leeth lyuYriny pjrt oł the KJ**ai of nuditr. &eauty. tn* Im ccntury h>n w, .1 niassiee mcic-ise in the i.t* *>i ioothlxush»“. .md dte wrcessful diwęlop/nenł ot compact and effcsl-ve «iectrif hrushes

So theie you ai«. tom I hope Ihots y.arn yju tf r arto« to yoi.T y.ioreon

Now you'U hear Part 2 again.

Part 3

You will hear flvr differenl peoplr talking alnut Salły. who is naw a Jatnous singer hor yueslions 29 to 23. 1 hoose front the list .4 lo /' what relationsllip each had with the now famotis person. Usc the letters ottly once. There is one exlra leUer which you do not need (o ust. You nmv Ji«iv 10 sceonds in whith to lock at Part I.

SPtAKfcH 1. Wall. you tan maync. ifj not OdSy tui rre bci-Y) consfnr-tY na mrded of how faiMasu Soi ty r», p.vt«.uui!y as tm Cłic ettest Tłierę was nu1, tftą-i Sady, tUn Ocr bfOtru" TC»n He w«> ahmys my mothert famertte »!.«> tried

not to Show it Softy t t«rnem6H .w oN\.jy. Mviu imcw? ufcnl. al>v.r/*> trytng lo makeon erpressinn Ofcuuse orne penni nvAsed i«xv musital sh? was. vię <ye yjroat attrnt>-xv .n <i /<»>;•• sh«sUru>d9Mn9tano«rtsshf hecami1 ot * !/ (flcórily ft wasn'i «vi>/    for ti*<- ic-.x ot v>.

‘.ft-.AKf R J i.aly rrii/st ti.rtn bCf-ti riinc vdam I f«\t net fier 5h« didn'1 Mord Out partKufarty. thoogh lite most gets nf hei aye she wjs enthusiastic As far as cav.w> *Y svr comerned. slie was somcwhcie in fi-* nuddie tt was only y/hen StC* Ming it tlie SęhOOf tonceit w hen Mit- was xV-e : thit meryorKi ttecjar. to ir.AsC Stie had o sperial tuS.-nt i»t only aid sh* haw? a very rratuiy si-yiirj vOYe. nir ;*>.• WOS <*We to fiandk* the iudienrc Tl«*y rojlun l wa>t ‘w mois- AS of os thougtil słie would go far. mtiudii ; ■

•mr.w teujief .iryj .v<- ymrent wnwg

SPFAKtR 3 I r»TTHtr.ber wtien '-ały ano hr: 'ar.Wy ••»w«d in Sali)' WCrjld h.r.t- fiec-i atiout Itinm. and ?.«•> w • ,v r. iiyiirj to boss ner aicuiyl m the gamen. 'i.iHy sn iHi v/<awt»f jnd d<d jost what łlnr want«d ! cojkf « : » o.** tlie ffnee. 5oon she was tour<l at o j- house s y . >s* we had «sat andstwAlwayswanWf m (ather was oiv?rg«- so ticv ccxildn‘t haw one >m v. y. always sinony. a k>wrV vo<e she Km. <aw" th/ci ■ • e. -. sbt1 keepi JI tosch - ałways yet a sa?d

'‘.PkAfCR 4 jally •/{&} dfAMjTS Uich »    i tt - r;»

always rcady u, lietp and to look alte? tti.- Mt»' o/».<n •//as very in*fu’ when at tf« enujms gnt tosetf.. • sv< Svm j(.5t on thę fc-ad, we usesi '<> see air.,o\i , doy. but when we <r<nr*i bacś 'n y««arai. •-* jo rrade thmgs morę rifficoft and •//- :xiiy rad ».?•?:*.-- c łoynlhers Cite a >ear. snuałty thr sm-imn. he,j

Chriłtmas youcOokir'! besum-jf tlievsm»l;.w i ..    .

itojys tne !avou'ite. Ait*t me and tu .

/HtAKfR v V» ivw! *

vg grew -.o


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