Kill Speed (2010) front
Kill speed is a high-octane, youth-oriented, "Top Gun" meets "Fast & Furious" tale about best friends who fly home-built, high-tech planes to deliver Mexican-manufactured, crystal-meth throughout rural California in order to fund their Hollywood lifestyle until their group is infiltrated by a beautiful, young woman who is not what she pretends to be.
She works for the authorities...
For the "Flyguyz" it's fun in the Southern California sun until all heli breaks loose and one of the friends is killed in a spectacular crash in an attempt to make a mad dash with the cash. The surviving flyers are caught and given a chance to do the right thing by working for the DIA (Drug Interdiction Agency) which is hell-bent on rescuing one of their agents, who is being held hostage by the "Flyguyz"' former boss and big-time Mexican drug lord.
Bad behavior is traded in for a badge and bravery and the cross-border, fighter jet battle begins and ends with a sound barrier-breaking bang!
Not suitable for people under15. Under15s must beaccompanied by a parentoradultguardian
COLOUR [ 16:9 I Distributed by Ali lnteractive Distribution, Australia,
_I_i © Packaging by Ali lnteractive Distribution 2010

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