

[Jiih;o'd‘uevo ry Yc-iT

introductory verb j direct speech

reported speech


agree + to-inf offer promise refuse * threaten

‘Yes: l’ll give you a lift.’

‘Shall I carry the boxes?’

‘1 promise !’ll help you.’

‘No, 1 won’t buy you a car.’

‘Stop taiking or Pil send you out.’

She agreed to give me a lift.

He offered to carry the boxes.

He promised to help me.

She refused to buy me a car.

He threatened to send me out if I didn’t stop taiking.

*    advise + sb 4- to-inf ask





*    remind

*    wam

‘You should see a doctor.’

‘Could you do something for me?’ ‘Please, please cali the Dolice.’ ‘Drop your weaponsl’

‘Will you come to my party?’

‘Get out oftne house!’

‘Don’t forget to write to Paul.’ ‘Don’t go near the oven.’

He advised me to see a doctor.

She asked me to do something for her.

She begged me to cali the police.

He commanded them to drop their weapons. She invited me to (go to) her party.

She ordered me to get out of the house.

She reminded me to write to Paul.

She warned me not to go near the oven.

*    admit (to) 4- gerund accuse sb of apologise for

*    boast about/oT complain to sb of deny

*    insist on suggest

‘Yes, 1 stole the plans.’

‘You iied to me.’

Tm sorry I shouted at you.’ Tm the cieverest of alf.’

‘I have a headache.’

‘1 didn’t take your bag.’ ‘You must dc your work.' ‘Let’s visit Jane.:

He admitted (to) steaiing/having stolen the plans. She accused me of iying/having Iied to her.

He apologised for shouting/having shouted at me. He boasted of/about being the c!everest of ali.

She complained to me of having a headache.

He denied taking/having taken my bag.

She Insisted on me/my doing my work.

She suggested visiting Jane.

complain + that






‘You’re always late.’

‘I didn’t take the money.’

;lt’s a difficult situation.’ ‘What a beautiful baby he is!’ ‘I promise l’ll cal! you.’

'You’d better go home.’

She complained that i was always late.

She denied that she haa taken the money.

He exp!ained that it was a difficult situation.

She exclaimed/remarked that he was a beautiful baby. She promised that she would cali me.

He suggested that! (should) go home.

* Notę: admit. advise. boast. insist. threaten. warn. remind can also be followed by a that-clause in reported speech.

Fili in the gaps with one of the introductory verbs from the list below in the past simple.

agree: invite, warn, accuse, boast, complain, insist. explain, exclaim; remind, suggest. promise

1    ‘Will you come to the bali?’ he said to her.

He ...-T/ts.s... her to go to the bali.

2    Tm the best student .in the school,’ he said.

He...........?....:.d.T..T.';.....................about being the

best student in the school.

3    ‘Yes, Dl lend you some money,’ he said to Jane.

He........; lend Jane some money.

4    ‘What a beautiful dress she is wearing!’ he said.

He ........!l..h...;..:.;...........................that she was

wearing a beautiful dress.

5    ‘He never buys me flowers,’ she said.

She ......'..'...i,.......that he never bought her flowers.

6    ‘Let’s go for a pienie,’he said.

He    .........................going for a pienie.

7    ‘You stole the money,’ Tom said to Jim.

Tom    ........Jim of stealing the money.

8    ‘Don’t forget to hang out the washing,’ she said to me to hang out the washing.

9    ‘I promise J’II write to you,’ she said to him.

She ........TY..Y.Ś write to him.

10    ‘You must finish the report,’ she said to him.

She........w.......:...........on him finishing the report.

11    ‘Don’t touch the wet paint,’ Dad said to us. not to touch the wet paint.

12    ‘There’s nothing elsę I can do,’ he said.

He    .......J/WYY.. that there was nothing else

he could do.


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