37.    lt's high Im® li®.....thnl h® noocta to study,

a) understood b) undorstands c) will understand d) musi undorsland

38.    They sald the followlng year.

a) leave b) will leave c) would leave d) left

39.    I asked hlm if he.....a good day.

a) has had b) did have c) had had d) has

40.    W© must hurry. W©.....finish thls work today.

a) have b) ar© to c) ought d) may have

41. My husband works too hard. I wish he his job.

a) had loved b) loved c) would change d) changed

42.    Th© election is still......

a) being talked b) been talked about c) talking about d) being talked about

43.    H© asked her whether.....London.

a) she liked b) she would llke c) had she liked d) If she liked

44.    If John weren't rich, h©.....his last holidays in Vegas.

a)wouldspend b) wouldn't spend c) wouldn't have spent d)willspend

45.    I've met people.....never eat meat.

a) which b) that c) what d) whose

46.    Young people talk very loudly,.....makes their parents mad.

a) what b) that c) It d) which

47.    They were travelling in a camper van so they.....take a tent.

a) didn't need to b) needn't have c) didn't have d) mustn't

48.    At the hotel there were no showers.....bath tubs.

a) nor b) nelther c) either d) or

49.    Would you mind.....the wlndow? I can't bear the cold.

a) to close b) close c) closing d) If I close

50.    If Jack.....richer, he would have bought a Ferrari.

a) hadn't been b) is c) would have been d) had been

51.    She looks so tired. She.....go to bed at once.

a) would better b) had better c) would rather d) had rather

52.    The girl on the bench seemed.....a detective story.

a) reading b) to read c) she was reading d) to be reading

53.    I don't enjoy......

a) to be laughed at b) to laugh at c) being laughed at d) laughlng at

54.    Cali me at 10:00,1.....nothlng then.

a) will do b) will have done c) would do d) will be dolng

55.    Mary.....when I came to her Office. I didn't even see her.

a) had left b) was leaving c) left d) has left

56.    John sald work at home.

a) would prefer b) prefer c) will prefer d) has preferred

(i) lovely b) lerrlbly c) awfully < D lumiiiil«

/iM......of lis thlnk that our country ihould bo a democracy.

a) no b) any c) every d) most

69. An average famlly has.....chlldren now than befor© th© war.

a) less b) fewer c) many d) llttle

60.    “Where Is Tom?" Tm not surę but h© the pub."

a) could go b) may go c) needn't go d) may have gon© 1

61.    If a lift, w© wouldn't have had to take a taxi.

a) dld glve b) had glven c) gave d) would give

62.    We don't have to buy a new washing machinę. W© a mechar

a) will repair th© old one b) will have the old on© repaired

c) will have repaired the old on© d) will b© repairlng th© old one

63.    The manager mad© his secretary.....untll 6 p.m.

a) work b) working c) to work d) worked

64.    She dldn't recogniz© me in the Street. Sh©.....drunk.

a) must have been b) should have been c) must be d) had to be

65. Dldn't you play tennis?

a) used to b) get used to c) use to d) to use

66.    He ... thoroughly by a mechanic before the Monte Carlo Rally, a) had been checking his car b) has checked his car

c) had his car checked d) had checked his car

67.    World War II is known.....the most cruel in history.

a) to be b) to have been c) having been d) being

68.    Don't wash up! I'd rather you.....your room.

a) cleaned b) would clean c) clean d) had cleaned

69. Let's meet at 5:30,1 work by then.

a) will finish b) am finishing c) will be finishlng d) will have finlshed

70.    l'd rather you.....English.

a) speak b) will speak c) must speak d) spoke


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