

Lisfening Tesr


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stions iYou will hear a woman being interviewed about her work with homeless children. For questions |11 -16, tick (/) one of the boxes, A, B, C or D to indicate the most appropriate response.



Why did Sally set up SHELTER?

A Because she felt useless.

B To overcome her own bitterness.

C She felt it was her duty.

D She was forced to.

After her mother passed away, her father

A kept their home going.

B didn’t care about his children.

C totally fell apart.

D gave up his job to spend time at home.

In comparison to her own home, Sally’s foster home was

A slightly better.

B worse.

C much better.

D very strict.

What does Sally say about herself when she was eleven?

A She survived because she was tough.

B She felt deprived of love.

C She was morę iittelligent than other children.

D She became disfunctional.

When she was fifteen’, Sally met a woman who

A helped her overcome her problems.

B helped many Street kids.

C took her into her home.

D gave her a difficult time.

According to Sally, the council

A paid the down-payment on her house.

B helped her to keep the home running.

C were very interested in the children’s home.

D helped her make the down-payment on her house.














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