2 WhaC char«U't«ri$es the report as a type nf writirgr V^ork with a partrur and list as many charactef istics as you car* thmk rrf, Hien cómparc vour idcas with tho$e of other student* in the c\&%%. Add anv other to
vom list.
• ■' |
3 Comparc the charactcrisiies you tuitcd in activity 1 with those m tJv hst helów.
-- elear layour
- clcarly differentiated paragraph^, often with headings
- elear mfrodnetion giving the bas.-< faces
- neutral or formal language - votabulary and sir icrurrs
- conteru is usually presented objecttvdy aithrmgh it m.iy rhn le*rj to a moro personal conclusion
4 r-0 One of the most iniportam charactcnstics of a weli writłen report h that it ccmtmns clcarly differentiated paragraplis. Bdow you harc sonie paragraph headings madę by one studem when plami i ne the first two repocts on page47. Docide which paragraph- go with which report. Theti number the paragraph headuig* in what sec ni s to you to be the most logk.il order.
Accommodation ąrtangemonts .i-rmn correntb aemgnl Causcs of unempioyment ir Sco ‘mi- i today Problems rn.oirnered Eoonormc .tnd social effects of uncnip‘oymeat The tnaiit problem Impheattons ot Scottish luiemploymcm \;>r X and v I rb Introducdon - basie dctails of owa participatkm Stmly :v> .igements latreujueuoci - the curtient siruarkr- m Scotland Tnivd irwftgcrtic-nts Conclusion recommend.mo.ts
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Ahyays use w -..-h | <. ,• xO'pk»r a t«port tfv>ł you are wnting, n >o-"e you dcc ae te
nc!t.xie headmgs in >ixros|^>tt; In other casec they may simpiy nerniod yoc. ol .. .. : o ycn 000 to uct* yęn begtn \vtirkv make ure v~at tho headings a c o the mos.1 :->p; . -t. s- vo
o n:-.' - tło • e • ->?.t r e.-yTh-ng tb ai ycv c.. Ja i- e tnę. .-nast aj-a ty nt parać-i
5 jrO Work with. a partner and prepare a plan for the Ust tv\o repo; o en {xrge 47. Make a list of paragraph headings in thett mass aprrnpn.ue outer. Then comparc your plans with those of other -tutlents m r?>; ' K "