P271110 430001

P271110 430001


Group 6

1.    Complele the text (Food).

Carbohydrates are the main source of e...................y. They comprise sugars.

s.........s and complex polysaccharides. Fruit and vegetables provide carbohydrate

but leaves and stalks can be indigestible because they contain morę c.........................e.

2.    Who are they?

They assist patients who have difficulties speaking....................................

They look after people’s feet.................................................

These doctors’ specialty is children..........................................

They clean and organize bed linen...........................................

3 Choose the correct word in each of the following.

The surgeon uses a large number of slobs / swabs to mop up the blood.

The wound has been very slow to heel / heal.

One quality that all nurscs must have is patience /patients.

He suffers from a muscular lic / tick in his left eye.

4.    Translate.

drip stand    ..................................................

wózek inwalidzki    ..................................................

crutch    ..................................................

catheter    ..................................................

toumiquet    ..................................................

zgaga    ..................................................

hemoroidy    ..................................................

5.    Re place the words in bold type with a wordfrom the list below.

corrosive / hereditary / defects / congenital / obstruction / trauma / foetus

A dat Ing from blrth (.............................) disease may be passed down from

parents to ofTtpring (.............................) or may be the result of damage to

the unborn baby (.............................). Physical damage (.......................)

may be the result of surgical operations, accidents, excessive temperatures.

radiation or destructive (.............................) Chemicals. Mechanical faults

(..............................) lead to the blocking (.............................) of tubcs

or vesscls.


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