

Osgoód-Schlatter and Larsen-Johannson Syndrome

Osgood-Schlatter syndrome is nn apophysitis of the patella ligament from lts insertion onto the tibinl tuberosity in an adblęscent patient. Larsen-Johańnson syndrome is an apophysitis to the patella liga-ment from its origin on the inferior pole of the patella. Both are chnracterizod by localized swclling, pain, and point tendemess of either the insertion or origin of the patella ligament.

There are several Kinesio taping techniques which may provide reduced inflammation and pain, the practitioner will need to determine which techniques is bost for their patient. If one technique does not provide significant results, another technique may.

Option One;

For acute pain relief a mechanical correction strip may be applied in an attempt to "hołd down" the apophysitis of the tibial tuberosity or inferior pole of the patella. If using this technique for Larsen-Johannson do not apply to much pressure as to alter patella tracking. For rcview see mechanical correction technique.

Place the patients' knee in slight flexion. Begin by tearing the paper backing of a 4 - 6 inch long Kinesio I strip in the middle. Holding both ends, apply a mechanical correction, modern te to severe, 50-75% of available tension with downward pressure to the center of the Kinesio strip over the tibial tuberosity or inferior pole of the patella.

Prior to laying down the Kinesio strip ends, have the patient move their knee into fuli extension and lay down the ends with no tension.

Option one may be applied first, and then a second Kinesio taping technique may be applied over the top. The patient may find the greatest decrease in pain during acute pain phases from a combination of taping techniąues. Then as the patients pain is reduced, only one tcchnique may be indicated.

Option Two;

Apply a patella tendonitis I strip. For complete review see patella tendonitis I strip technique.

Option Thrco:

Apply a patella tendonitis superior Y technique. For rcvicw see patella tendonitis.

Option Four:

Apply a patella tendonitis inferior Y technique. For review see patella tendonitis.

Option Five:

Apply a patella tendonitis superior and inferior Y technique. For review see patella tendonitis.

Option Six:

Apply a patella tendonitis U strip. For review see patella tendonitis.



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