

Option Four: Application o( a modificd nierk calcorrection technique tensionon base, usinaiS*1^' tails instcad of two. For complctc review see chanical correction technique.    ^



Start thepatient in knec extension, place ^ , of the Kinesio strip posterior to the posłerlor fihT thc medial coUatcral Iigament with no tension m U| the base with one hand, with the other hand ań i °,<ł 50-100 % ofavailablc tension, with down warci pressure over the MCL. When the Kinesio strin i passed over the Iigament, have the patient movei a mid-joint flexion. Lay down the tails with no “’to tension, the tails are spłayed out to minimize ten •


Completed application of Iigament correction technique as described in acułe technique for the MCL Iigament acułe phase, over the modified mechanical correction technique as described abo

Medial / Lateral Colla


ugament Combination Taping

Th*    is «ot iriterłcioci to rePlace ar» in)»red Iigament or appropńate rehabilitation.

jtisintended to provide propnocepHve stimuli and psychological assurance. The following description

i 55 the combination of the Kines| I j^ured Iigament. It Is recomme

io Iigament corrective technique and prophylactic clastic taping of the ended that the patient wear the Kinesio taping at aU times and only during

e or competition should the prophylactic taping be applied.

A* dny txrr»e the patient indicates they are not confident and Has not been able to demonstrate funę-I óonally their ability to perform, pa rticipation in activity should not be recommend.

Completed a pp li ca tion of the Kinesio Ligament Corrective techniąue. For complete review see medial collateral ligament application.

The knee should be clean shaven and cleansed of any oils or lotions, and in approximately 30 degrees of flexion. Lubrication in the popliteal space is advised to limit friction. Spray adherent should be applied to assist ir\ limited migration of the tape. An underwrap (prewrap) may be applied, however it is highly recommended that the anchors be directly applied to the skin. Apply anchors approximately mid-thigh and mid-calf using a thin elastic tape (sheerlight, lightplast), photo on left. If white tape is used only apply strips in 1 /2 circumferance, to allow for expansion of muscle tissue during activity, photo on right.

Beginning below the knee place the first strip la terał to the tibial tuberosity and directed at the medial epicondyle of the femur. An attempt should be madę to follow the pathway of the medial collateral ligament. Nearly all of the tension should be removed from the elastic tape over the length of the ligament.


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