lite practitionor nuty fiml tiul tor acuto lasliitis or willi patients Ihul aro largor lltan averngo thoy inny lo coinbiin* tho Klnotlo tccl\nu|ue and a planlar fasola molo skin .strip or longltudinal arch taplng. A third comhinnlion oould bo nsod, tho appliralion ot lito I owDye technlqiie as .losorjbod in tho ntotatarsal arch combination taplng tocnUpio
Additional thorapios may hniudo tho ust* ot a ilonut plami opon tho hool in tho region ot pain, hool lift toolovato the hool and sltorlcn tho Achilles tondon, and pla.omont of a rl>*UI orlhosis In tho shoo.
It is iwontntendod that tho paliont woar tho Kincsin tivhni.|uo uiulor any othor troatmont protocol,
Complotod applioation of tho Klneslo planlar fasciitis lochnique. bor iwiow sou planlar fascillla lechniquo.
Tlu* planlar fascia molo skin strip can bo pur-chased coinmorcially, or mado front molo skin whiclt como in a roli. Tho strip shoultl bo 5cm to 7.5 om wide, and longth should bo from insortion point of Achillos toiulon to ntotatarsal hoads, Ono ond should bu out liko a V, tho othor ond mundod.
Place tho V shapo ond abovo tho insortion point of the Achillos tondon into tho calcanoous.
Place tho thumb of ono hand between tho second and third hoads of the ntotatarsal on the planar lurface. Push tho thumb up and flatton out tho ntotatarsal arclt. Koach around to the dorsal surfaco with tho index and ntiddlo finger to tho motacarpal phalangeal joint. Apply a downward prossurg to tho first mętalarsnl, plncing forofoot in pronated positlon.
Plncc ilu' pl*nl*r (<\&cln molo skin ilrlp alnnft llv plantur surliuo In tho honda n( th» mcUUrs.tU, whllv malntninlng forotoot In pronnttłd posltlan, U*y down Ilu* romnlndor n( lh« molo skin strip,
.ongitudinnl Arch Tnplng Techntcjue
Dogln by placlng nn nnchor strip shwllng (mm tho distnl lst metntfltrtrsal phnlnngonl joint lu-ad ,md ondińg nl tho dlstnlly on Ilu15lh moUilnisnl phn-Inngcol joint. Thls strip should bo Applied wkth minintAl or no tennlon.