pg& 2

pg& 2

Preuenłing Oil Spills

Procedures to reduce the likelihood of oil spills



Ttm IntarnatKHial ContmnUon to* Ib* Praaanfor ot PoMudon trom atup* (UARPOL 7179) *>ma to acht*** ttr* co*np**ta ...    .    attminatton af udanttonat poduUor ot tha mirto* wronmrt by ott ano otbar harmtut aubatancaa Sirtcl P*gwt*t>ont ara

W 3 mino: r>°w •* *>/c# By todomrmg tha Hagutal-on* and obaa*mng lh* oommon aanaa morktng praciteaa Uatad bata da 9 anatronnwnt mtu ba graatty raducad HEMEUBEP «EAVY FtNES AND Cl VIi PEN Al TlES CAN BE IUPOSED I PEOULA7IONS AHE IGNOPFD’

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Q Know your ship

Where are the over1tow and sounding pipes? Check that they are clearty marked especialty after pałnting or repaira Remem ber that an "air-bubtote" can force oil out of a goose-neck ventiialor

Q Pług scuppers

Q Use seryiceable equlpment

Do not use untested equipment. it may rupture or break.

Cargo and bunker hosepipcs should be handled with care and stored without bends that may fracture the hose


Control pumplng ratę

Slow down the ratę of oil bemg pumped and "top-ofr tanks with extreme caution.

Keep a careful watch on ventilators and overflow pointa


Pług scuppers when bunkering. loading or dtscharging oil. If there is heavy raln then open one scupper. drain off the water and replug Repeat if necesaary.

Communications and identificatlon

Agree elear aignala with terminal/ bunkering station Keep a watch on valves and flangea Frequently iook over the aide for tracea of oil on the water Make surę you open the correct valve Alwaya cloae a valve tight and check the position indicator

When hose connections are being madę or broken. drip trays must be uaed to catch any spił lagę Blank the ends of hoses and ship connections

An ISM Codę Safety Poster

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