pg( 4

pg( 4

Recommended procedures to minimise the effect of an oil spili

Ttm łnt9mmt1on1J Corwntśon ku ttm PiwnUon Ot ...    .    ołimtnation ot infotroaH poButron

Warning: nc~mk>™ Qr

73/78) to actf1 compi hmrmlut suttusnco1 Strict Rogul&tiors v« mrortnng proctiooo Utfd hf. domogo to tftt



Q On discoverłng shipboard spili


•    Stop pumping

•    Immedlałaly notłty the Otficer o! the Watcb

•    Ensore scuppers are ptugged

•    In hazardous amnttona. ready Tire prawntton and exńngu« •qutpmani

•    Notify appcopńata

•    ftateftoSOPEP


for apflt ołł

•    Pot

"No Smoking" and

"No Nakad Ughts słgna.

Q Deck contalnment

•    Weer protocUvo ckrthtng

•    Prevent o?l flow ova1t>oard at af. coat1

•    klaka ready and whera possibte commeoca cietnup oparstłons using av1«<abło shipboard eompmer1 and materiał1

•    Reapond promptiy to cii commands from Officar »n Charge

~No Nakad aigna

M On dłscovering external spili


•    Stop pun>p1ng.

•    Locate aource oMeakago

•    Chacfc and racord tank soundmgs

•    Observe movement ot spin cni

Q Ship actions for extema! spili

•    Ctose neoessary m weter soct1ons

•    Transfer oii trom aflecled tanka.

•    Manoauwa up-artnd or awcy from land.

•    Assess damage

•    Log oil apitt movement

a mt iwmi rwam1

tBttsrsw «w cmiv sato c«s ul (mai tft • ttd>«r»<u -«‘«i

1023 W


   Retorto SOPEP Prooeckjras for spiłt ofl


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