pg2 2

pg2 2

Where recharging facilities are not available, empty and Iow charged cylinders should be labelled and stored elsewhere. Check ali certificates are valid. Read and leam the makers instructions.

Q Donning the breathing apparatus

•    Put the set on »n cłean air /źfft*    X7/

conditions    flB3D W \A ftj

•    Piace the arms throogh shoulder straps

•    Position cylinder high    J

on the back.    y\T^V i WŁJ

Mi» rfjT

• Adjust shoulder straps.    g

•    Tighten the waist bert    y    k A "1

H Check weekly and before using

•    Straps on face mask, air hose. lileline. gioves and boots, ail straps on harness. lanterns, axes and ckiration board

• Check air in ail cylinders on the sets    J&fc)4 and in spare cylinders.

(' \VrN

•    Remove any with Iow pressure    k \ł A

for recharging.    w \\A


// > i

l V. J

As i

•    En surę correct operation ^

of air pressure    A j ) tf*

9311908    raU / ł

• Check Iow    \    { «

pressure    F    v    \ Y~

tmnśna    u    « >Jr Ił

whistte.    VV"    hU    i


• Place face in mask, chłn

B Adjusting and checking the

iten straps, bottom

• Test air tightness of mask, air suppły and wamłng whistle, following makers instructions.

Q Preparing to enter compartment

•    C«p on Hfełine.    /fTL

/li \ Jf

•    Check and remember I h i

lifeline signałs.    kj \zL

•    CoHect tire fighting

or other tools and /    / fWJf i l

equipmem    i t _NllKy\ CjEW i r. / /

e Fu*y open air suppl and breathe norma I

H Start operation

• Keep a record of each B.A. wearer on duration

board.    /

* Ensure flrst aid and secondary rescue team are ready.

H After operationał use

• De-con tarnina te.    /j

•    Check alt oerts for damage and cieanJiness.^S^^

•    Remove used cylinders and recharge with ciean air.


•    Check and ciean face mask, following manufacturers instructions and płace in prctectivgcover.

•    Hang up the apparatus

as instructed by the    „LI "Wt\ llf II

manutacturer. Do not •BlmOJif

storę apparatus ln a box.    ■«=

•    Make surę safety lamps    V 0

fully charged and are used    f

only with oreathing apparatus. 11

•    AU eguipment most be kept ready for immediate use.

1047 W


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