Ange Albertini
SHA-1 b7nf4cOS1cc38e43o030656c&2696fab4Ci8cf9cb downtoad @ pe 101.cofkami com
Hexadecimal dump |
ASCII dump |
Fields |
Values |
Explanation |
4D 5A 00 00-00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 offset:8x30 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00-40 00 00 00 |
MZ.............. ............@... |
e_magi c e_lfanew |
•mz’ 0x40 |
constant signature offset of the PE Header O |
Off$et:8x40 50 45 00 00-4C 01 03 00-00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-E0 00 02 01... |
PE..L........... |
Signature Machinę NumberOfSections Si zeofopti onalHeader Characteristics |
'PE', 0, 0 0xl4c [intel 386] 3 OxeO 0x102 [32b EXE] |
constant signature processor: ARM/MIPS/Intel/... number of sections © relative offset of the section table © EXE/DLL/... |
40 SA 88 80-88 ee 00 88-88 80 00 00-80 00 08 80 MZ.
00 00 08 88-88 88 88 08-80 00 08 80-40 68 08 50 4S 88 80-4C 01 03 00-88 08 80 88-ee 68 80 88 80 88 08-E0 e9 82 01-8B 01 ee 88-88 e0 88
80 88 88 80-88 08 08 88-e8 18 88 88-80 08 88 00 ee ee 00-00 ee 48 00-00 ie ee 00-00 02 00 ee ......$
pp pp a;1 aa-aa aa Pd aa-dj aa aa aa-aa aa aa aa
technical details about the executable
80 18 00 08-80 18 88 00-88 0? 00 80-80 02 00 08 ...............
00 80 88 08-ee 80 08 88-00 88 ee 88-20 60 88 68 ...............
2E 72 64 61-74 61 08 88-88 18 88 88-80 20 88 88 .rdata.........
80 02 08 80-88 64 08 00-88 88 08 88-80 08 80 88 ...............
ee 00 ee ee-4e 00 ee 48-?e 64 6i 74-61 ee ee 88
88 10 08 88-08 38 88 08-80 02 88 88-80 06 68 88 .....8.........
80 68 80 00-88 60 08 08-08 60 08 88-48 88 00 C8 .......
69 80 68 88-38 40 68 68-17 38 48 88-68 00 FF 15 J.h.0(l.h. $1. j.
70 20 48 88-68 80 FF 15-68 26 48 88-80 00 88 88 p.g.J.
ee 00 88 88-00 08 88 ee-ee 00 eo 00-80 00 00 00 ..............
3t 20 88 08-80 88 88 88-88 89 e8 60-78 20 88 88 <...........1.
68 28 6S 20 88 00 80 80 69 74
6fl 88 68 00-30 40 00 68-70 20 40 08-60 08 FF 15-88 00 00 00-00 00 08 00-
61 67 58 28
contents of the executable
r 64 . . .. ......................
88 88 88 08-80 80 88 00-88 80 08 80-88 88 88 88 .......
... .Ex
61 28 73 69-60 78 6C 6S-20 58 45 28-65 78 65 63 a.f1»plt.PC.ti«c 75 74 61 62-6C 65 88 40-65 6C 6C 6F-28 77 6F 72 uta&le.HeMo.uer 6C 64 21 80-08 80 80 88-ee 08 80 08-00 80 00 88 ld!.............
3C 28
68 29 85 28 08 08 00 08
69 74 61 67 Sfl 20 2E 64 30 88
e0 80-88 08 00 08-00 00 80 00-78 20 88 00 <
00 08-44 20 08 80-00 00 00 80-00 88 80 08 h
00 08-70 20 68 00-80 00 00 08-08 80 00 08 a
80 80 50
link between the executable and (Windows) libraries
00 00-00 80 00 80-68 65 72 6E-6S 6C 33 32 6C 6C-88 75 73 65-72 33 32 2E-64 6C 6C 88 80 00-80 00 08 00-80 00 88 00-08 88 08 08
61 28 73 69-60 78 t _j_a_ J a.siąpie.PE.exec
75 74 61 62-6C 65 6 ClCllct » utable.Hel lo.uor
GC 64 2! 80-00 f; information used by the codę
40 $fl 08 88-88 88 88 88-08 08 88 ee-88 88 88 88 ftZ.
80 88 88 80-88 88 88 58 45 08 e8-4C 81 83 68 88 88 88-E8 88 82 88 88 88 80-88 88 80 08 88 08 88-08 08 48 88 88 00 80-88 88 88 88 40 00 88-00 82 80
88 88 80 e0-08 08 88 88 88 80 80-18 88 88 00 28 08 88-08 80 88 88 88 08 e8-08 88 80
eo-eo 00 88 88-48
88-88 ee 88 ee-ee 81-88
85 88 10 68 ie 88 08 88
88-88 08 88
88 08 88 00-08 80 80 ee-2€ 74 65 70-74
88 18 08 88-00 18 88 e8-08 02 88 ee-88
08 88 88 88-80 88 88 ee-88 88 88 88-28
2£ 72 64 61-74 61 80 08-80 18 88 88-80
(VO <*•> AA Aa-AA A# AA AA - AA AA AA AA. AA
08 88 88 88 88 80 08 88 80 88 80 80 8? 88 ee 08 80 00 ee ee 88 88 ee ee 88 88 80 88 ee 80 88 ee ee
88 60 00 8? ee ee 08 88 68 28 00 80
• rd*U..
78 28 40 80-68 88 FF 15-68 28 48 80-80 08 80 ee p.0.J.
88 ee 88 80-00 ee 88 ee-08 ee 88 00-00 08 ee 80 ..............
3C 28 88 80-88 00 88 80-88 08 88 88-78 28 88 80 <....
68 28 88 88-44 28 80 08-00 00 00 88-00 88 80 80 h...O
85 28 08 e8-78 28 88 e8-08 88 80 e8-00 00 88 80 4...p
08 88 60 80-88 68 88 ee-88 08 80 88-4C 28 88 00 .....
00 Ge 80 80-50 28 88 00-80 88 88 88-08 80 45 78 ....2
69 74 50 72-6F 63 65 73-73 08 80 80-40 65 73 73
61 67 65 42-6F 78 41 88-4C 28 88 88-e0 88 88 e8
50 20 08 80-08 08 88 86-68 65 72 6E-65 6C 33 32
61 28 73 69-60 70 6C 6S-28 50 45 20-65 78 65 63 75 74 61 62-6C 65 88 40-65 6C 6C 6F-20 77 6F 72 6C 64 21 88-08 88 80 88-80 80 e0 80-00 08 60 80
d.siapte .P£.exec utable.Hello.uor ld!.............
40 Sfl 00 00-00 00 l
DOS header
shows it‘s a binary
• 0.
50 45 00 00-4C 0! 0 00 00 00 00-E0 00 0.
PE header
shows ił's a 'modern' binary
PE..L. ____a.
l... a... • • •
00 00 00 00-00 08 80 80-00 10 08 00-00 80 00 00 00 08 00 80-00 80 00 00 00-00
executable information
00 08 88 80-00 BB BB BB-BB BB BB BB-88 BB B0 BB
808.. .88. .9.9.-19.3009_
optional header
...0B 01 00 00-00 00 00 00
00 |
00 |
00 |
00- |
-00 |
00 |
00 |
00- |
-00 |
10 |
00 |
00- |
-00 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
00- |
-00 10 00 00- |
-00 02 00 00 | ||||||||||
00 |
00 |
00 |
00- |
-00 |
00 |
00 |
00- |
-04 |
00 |
00 |
00- |
-00 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
40 |
00 |
00- |
-00 |
02 |
00 |
00- |
-00 |
00 |
00 |
00- |
-02 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
00- |
-00 |
00 |
00 |
00- |
-00 |
00 |
00 |
00- |
-00 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
00- |
10 |
00 |
00 |
00. |
• • |
0xl0b [32b]
AddressofEntryPoi nt |
0x1000 | |
ImageBase |
0x400000 | |
SectionAlignment |
0x1000 | |
......0......... |
FileAlignment |
0x200 |
MajorSubsystemversion |
4 [NT 4 or later] | |
• 0.............. |
SizeOfImage |
0x4000 |
SizeOfHeaders |
0x200 | |
• ••••••• |
Subsystem |
2 [GUI] |
NumberOfRvaAndsi zes |
16 |
32 bits/64 bits where execution starts
address where the file should be mapped in memory where sections should start in memory © where sections should start on file © required version of Windows total memory space required total size of the headers o driver/graphical/command linę/... number of data directories o
es 09 00 e data directories
00 • pointers to extra structurcs (exports, imports,...)
2E |
74 |
65 |
78-74 |
88 |
00 |
00 |
. text... | ||||||
00 |
10 |
00 |
00- |
■80 |
18 00 |
00-80 |
02 |
88 |
00-00 |
02 |
00 |
80 . . | |
80 |
00 |
88 |
00- |
■00 |
RR |
AA |
AA |
RR |
AR |
• |
2E 00 |
72 02 |
64 80 |
61- 80- |
-74 ■06 |
sections table |
ddtd.......... | |||||||
00 |
00 |
80 |
88- |
-4e |
defines how the file |
s loaded in memory | | ||||||
00 |
10 |
8e |
00- |
■00 |
30 80 |
08-80 |
02 |
00 |
88-08 |
06 |
00 |
00 .. |
.. .0.......... |
00 |
00 |
00 |
80- |
■00 |
80 00 |
00-00 |
00 |
08 |
00-40 |
80 |
00 |
C0 . . |
..........0.-* |
00 |
08 |
00 |
00- |
■08 |
88 80 |
00-00 |
00 |
88 |
00-00 |
88 |
80 |
00 .. |
what is executed
FF 15 00 08 08 08
j.h.0@.h.0@.j. P-8-J* -h.@.....
...00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00-00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 |
ImportsVA |
0x2000 |
RVA of the imports © | |
00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 |
00 10 00 00-00 10 00 00-00 02 00 00-1
00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00-20 00 00
2E 72 64 mm 61 00 00-00 10 00 00-00 20 00 00
00 02 00 00-00 04 00 00-00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00-40 00 00 40-2E 64 61 74-61 00 00 00
L7.7. 0 ........
Sections table
Name |
RVA* vi rtualsize |
RVA* Vi rtualAddress |
phy*>ca! sizc SizeofRawData |
physical Offset Poi nterToRawData |
Characteri sti cs | |
1.text |
0x1000 |
0x1000 |
0x200 |
0x200 |
.rdata |
0x1000 |
0x2000 |
0x200 |
0x400 |
For each section, a SizeofRawData sized błock is read from the file at PointerToRawData offset.
It will be loaded in memory at address ImageBase + VirtualAddress in a VirtualSize sized błock, with specific characteristics.
Offset:0x2O8/R. ':0X^1000_ _ _ .
6A 00 68 00-30 40 00 68-17 30 40 00-6R 00 FF 15 j.h.00.h.00.j. 70 20 40 00-6ft 00 FF 15-68 20 40 00 p.0.j. .h.0.
O Headers
the DOS Header is parsed the PE Header is parsed
(its offset is DOS Header s ejfanew) the Optional Header is parsed (il follows the PE Header)
©Sections table
Sections table is parsed
(it is located at: offset (OptionalHeader) + SizeOfOptionalHeader)
it contains NumberOfSections elements it is checked for validity with alignments:
FileAlignments and SectionAlignments
© Mapping
the file is mapped in memory according to: the ImageBase the SizeOfHeaders the Sections table
0 Execution
Codę is called at the EntryPoint
the calls of the codę go via the IAT to the APls
a simple PE executa...
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
** i
0x: 0«
0x 200-
0x 1000-
0x 2000-
0x 3000-
- ImageBase —
• WtualAddresa
Section 1
• VrftualAddress
Secloo 2
• ViftualAddress
Section 3
push 0
push 0x403000 push 0x403017 push 0
cali [0x402070] push 0
cali [0x402068]
x86 assembly
Equivalent C codę
•MessageBox(0, Hello world!", a simple PE executable", 0);
OffSCt:8x400/R. :0x 2000
-00 00 00 -00 00 00 -00 00 00 -00 001 00 -00 00 00 -73 00 00
-68 65 72
-72 33 32
00-78 20 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00-4C 20 00 00 00-00 00 45 78 00-4D 65 73 73
6E-65 6C 33 32
2E-64 6C 6C 00
Imports structures
descriptors 0x203c
0x204c, 0
0x2085 —user32.dl 1
0x2070 8 8 0 8 0
_ . Htnl.Namo
0x204c, 0
0x205a. O1"1*
0x205a, 0,AT*
after loading,
0x 2068 will point to kernel32.dll's ExitProcess 0x 2070 will point to user32.dll's MessageBoxA
< . |
...X. . . | |
h. |
. D... | |
a. |
• ... ‘a | |
.z.... |
.....Ex |
AJI addresses herc aro RVAs*
Offset:8x600/RVA:0x^:3000 61 20 73 69-6D 70 6C 65-20 50 45 20-65 78 65 63 |
a.simple.PE.exec |
Strings a simple PE executable\0 |
75 74 61 62-6C 65 00 48-65 6C 6C 6F-20 77 6F 72 |
utable.Hello.uor |
Hello world!\0 |
6C 64 21 00 |
ld!. |
Tłus is the whote howevef. most PE files eon tam morę elements. Expłanat#ons are sunpłifced. for coociseoess
vers»on 1. 3rd May 2012
© Imports
DataDirectories are parsed they follow the OptionalHeader their number is NumOfRVAAndSizes imports are always #2 Imports are parsed each descriptor specifies a DLLname this DLL is loaded in memory IAT and INT are parsed simultaneously for each API in INT its address is written in the IATentry
Ili A- 1 |
_ ii |
_I\ |
Hint, nri name | |||
□ |
1 ibrar^dl 1
•flPI Address: !
Starts with 'MZ* (initials of Mark Zbikowski MS-DOS developer)
PE HEADER aka IMAGE_FILE_HEADERS / COFF file header Starts with 'PE' (Portable Executable)
OPTIONAL HEADER aka IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER Optional only for non-standard PEs but required for executables
RVA Relative Virtual Address
Address relative to ImageBase (at ImageBase, RVA = 0) Almost all addresses of the headers are RVAs In codę, addresses are not relative.
INT Import Name Table
Null-terminated list of pointers to Hint, Name structures
IAT Import Address Table Null-terminated list of pointers On file it is a copy of the INT After loading it points to the imported APls
Index in the exports table of a DLL to be imported
Not required but provides a speed-up by reducing look-up
0X4 4000-
□ => &