


c)    The medial consonant in measure is fortis. . . ....................

d)    In the production of /ml, as in mother, the vocal cords do not vibrate. . .    . .

e)    The main diffcrence between the initial consonants in this and sin is in the force of ar-

ticulation..... .......................................

f)    The al/eolar ridge is involved in the articulation of the finał consonant in table.

g)    The consonants in judge are produced with a complete closure in the mouth, .

h)    The initial consonants in English water and in Polish łyżka are semi-vowels.

i)    The fricatives in the words machinę and maszyna are identical...........

j)    English has no palatal affricates. . . ............................


1. Fili in the gaps:

plosives, also called . . . dtcyu . . . , belong - together with . .

. . . and.............................- to a grńup of consonants

in the production of which a total obstruction to the air streara is madę in the vocai traci

There are three stages in the production of plosives: the . . .    . .........

.......stage, during which the articulating organs . . .    .......

......; the .    ................stage, during which . £*C .vę .

^.^anJthe . . C^ęt.    ..............stage.

during which the articulating organs oblew.. ,tW. C^uj?»eSfedL &.V. k> .    ., as a result

of which...................occurs.

2. Below several ways of releasing plosives in English are given. Exjllain whal they mean. Which of them are optional and which obligatory?

a)    no audible plosion in finał positions,

Ćfritto/iać ,Ja    /v/fea<ie    m-ay. /fe nktizj/sdas?.'/ t/fese/are


b) glottal reinforcement of finał /p, t, k/,    )/Locic

. .<?{    . jW-C/y.. .. 1M-.

. .0

.    . Y**-. 979L . d^Urt. . . . ro/^^raiyd.. . . bt|. ......

c) nasal release,

utarte    Hcg. tam*?.

'db. . reŁ<Ae . dr. is .Kor

(C ,V\X*A<a£.


W. icor

^vyrou^£v. ff*

j,t „    s

d) no audible plosion in stop clusters, ^



Sj^n    .)

m. tjW......[    f*^)

.peJU.L    . olc.. iy&.r > .. rvv<3 . ?re^0^e9(


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