8 "How wBl Tony build the lence?' I asked Julie. 2 'You shouid go io the dentist,' she said to me.
9 "Wisy 1$ Chris wsaring a suit?" Tina asked me. 3 Tm sony i spili colloo on youf carpo: * ho sald.
10 "Can you see tne ae.-opiar.e?'ftay askod f/aiy 4 "We cou'd jolo the anema:or:gkt.'sho sald.
5 • "No. l wnn't ccmo with you.’ he sald to mo.
Special Introductory Yerbs
Whcn we wlsh to report tlić mcaning of a speakcr's words wc often use appropriate rcporiing vcrbs (introductory vcrbs).
-Study thcsc examplcs:
’a) Dircct speech: 'Tli buy you a ncw bic/de."
Reportcd speech: He promised to buy her a ncw bicyde. or He promised thot he would buy her o ncw bicyc/e.
b) Direct speech: "No, I won't talk to him,"
Reportcd speech: She refuscd to talk to him.
c) Dircct speech: 'You ought to stay in bed."
Reportcd speech: He advised mc to stay in bed.
d) Dircct speech: ‘Tm sorry I forgal your birthdoy." Reportcd speech: She apologiscd (or forgcttingl havlng (orgotten my birthdoy.
e) Direct speech: Tets listen to some musie."
Reportcd speech: He suggested listening to some
11 Completc the following indirect qucsti
10 First think of an appropriate introductory vcrb for each statement, then rewrite each sentence in reportcd speech.
1 'I will never tell lies again.' ho said.
6 who s that boy?
7 Who aio tnose peoptc? Have you any idoa........
8 When did he icave (or Paris? Do you know..............