Scan Pic0014

Scan Pic0014

• Jane on the Wards

Do you remember Jane Johnson? She and her friend Joan Chaptman    both nurses. They    at Saint Peter's

Hospital/ajarge teaching hospitaflń London. Joan ZzZ her jxainingaat St. Peters andslast year she    herState

TTńals and gualified. She is an S.R.N7she^]t^7Tow (Z as a staff nurse in a men's medical ward.^    j

Jane _js_ a student nurse and _rsj still _    __. J_ast

month she    ijp Aećf in one of the hospitaLs sur^ical wards.5

She__I"to set^roli^slor^tenTe^roćeąures^such as

surgjćaiAdressings, into^ouis infusion and_catlienżafibn^ She

’ "" L-—-7 —1    , Ą _ fzUrj. ę <:x u    ~    Tl”' , —uu-u,    /

___q&ą&4&<Ł OdtŁ— certain procddures herself and

___doctors with others. She often _,W_ to ao to the central ^

stenie^ supdIy department to^^fetch sterile dresstng ^acl<sV^ Sometimes she A<mKl patients to the X-rav department or to the occupational Therapy unit.    5


This month Jane _    __jn the same ward as Joan.^

She _ k tpVfv^Lv>j2___~ _1xr nurse patients sufferinn _from ^

giseases such as cardiac infarction, cerebrar haemorrhaoe, cereb^l^Fórhbosis a nd pheu monia. At the momentu she


'■*    o', T

_ ±JiżJi2lzlF— — a staff nurse to give injectfóns. The staff nurse J.

Eu__to her the doses, action and siae effects z

of the drugs they _ _rO\'<L _ QÓ^f    '

' ----——....    ■ — V-

The other nursesjn^the warid~\‘^^___CQ,*ń>’mŁ. _ IX^L

yarious nursing dutfes. Some ZS^ZZEE'^%.De£f=bratfis7

one    __a patient to get out of bed, and another A doctor _/s. ob/ffi a ward round

and a physiotherapist___ js__    a phWmbm¥ patient

to do deep breathing exercises.    v


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