skanowanie0018(1) 2

skanowanie0018(1) 2

36.    They threw him out. He......

37.    People steal things from supermarkets every day. Things......

38.    The cleaner found a purse left in the classroom yesterday. A purse......

39.    They serve hot meals till 10 p.m. every day. Hot meals......

40.    You must not wash this coat; you must dry-clean it. This coat......

41.    Dogs have been guarding this property. This property......

42.    Landslide has destroyed most of the village. Most......

43.    Someone warned him not to come. He......

44.    You needn’t type this letter. This......

45.    His story hasn’t taken anybody in. Nobody......

46.    They frown on bringing in your own food here. Bringing in......

47.    People often take her for her sister. She......

48.    Burglars have broken into their garage. Their......

49.    They will tum the idea down in the first voting. The idea......

50.    People know he is sensitive to flattery. He......


S Uzupełnij poniższe zdania bierne odpowiedniąformą czasownika w nawiasie.

1.    This picture (always admire - present)

2.    Not a soundfeeaęrpast)

3.    The matter (oiscuss) tomorrow.

4.    Your ąuestion (answer - present perfect)?

5. These books mugt not (take away - infinitive).

6.    A big battle (fight) here 200 years ago.

7.    You (invite - present perfect) to lunch tomorrow.

8.    lam not used to (treat) like that.

9.    The piano (play - past continuous) far too loudly.

10.    Hats and coats must (leave) in the cloakroom.

11.    I (tell - present perfect) that they are not to blame.

12.    This car looks well (take care) of.

13.    He (make - past) to do it against his will.

14.    This bottle (can drink) ffom.

15.    The problem needs (solve) by the end of the week at the latest.

16.    Refreshments (serve) soon.

17.    The table (not, lay) yet.

18.    The beli (ring - past) as a fire warning.

19.    He (give - present perfect) three weeks in which to pay the fine.

20.    This old building must (puli down) first.

21.    It may by no means (remove) from here.

22.    I should have (inform) in advance.

23.    These paintings (exhibit) till the end of next month.

24.    Shop Windows (break - past) and several cars (set) on fire in the riot.

25.    These artificial flowers (make) of silk.

26.    The old oak (strike) by lightning in yesterday’s storm.

27.    What (write - past) it with?

28.    Children under 16 (not, admit - futurę).

29.    She (show - present prefect) the easiest way to do it.



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