sryle w archI9

sryle w archI9

Angielski 499

736 Squinch 17371

767 Tabernacle 1706 1

797 Transitional. transition 1 5721

827 Victorian style 1 765 1

737 Stacked faęade 16571

768 Tablinum 1707 ! 1 7461

798 Transom (1); impost (2); dos-

828 Virgins, Wise and Foolish 1 4971

738 Staggered choir 1111 1

769 Taenia 1718 i

seret (3) [2631 1701 I

829 Virtues and vices 11231

739 Staaaerina i 6331

770 Tectonics [7161

799 Transverse arch 1244

830 Visual art 1699]

740 Stained qlass 1 7671

771 Telamon I 55 I

800 Transverse gable, gablet

831 Volute I 7731

1 pot-metal

772 Tempera-painting 1717 I

! 687

832 Votive tablet i 7751

2 flashed

773 Tempie in antis I 7031

801 Transverse hall [549

3 silver stain

774 Tepidarium 1719 I

802 Transverse roof 1141 I

4 cames

775 Tetramorph 17211

803 Trecento 733 I

833 Wainscot 1372 I

5 saddle bar

776 Theatre. ancient 17151

804 Tree cross [ 162]

834 Wall arch 17121

6 stanchion

1 Greek theatre

805 Trefoil 17411

835 Wall hanaina 3131

7 lead clasp

2 Roman theatre

806 Trefoiled apse 11121

1 woven

8 thick pressed glass

3 amphitheatre

807 Triangulation 734 1

2 tapestry work

741 Staircase, stairwav I 6341

777 Theatron 17221

808 Triforium i 7431

3 knotted

1 flight

778 Theory of proportion I 5661

1 blind triforium

836 Wall walk, allure, rampart walk

2 arm

1 canon

809 Triglyph [7441

B07 ]

3 landing

2 golden section

810 Trinitv [ 740 I

837 Ward T4251

4 stringer

3 quadrature

811 Triptych [745.

838 Wave pattern PT881

742 Stalactite work, yeseria

4 triangulation

812 Triskele 16161

839 Westphalian quadrat I 7531


5 harmonie

813 Triumphal arch 13971

840 Westwork 17541

743 Stall [6551

6 Modulor

814 Trochilus 17361

841 Whorl [611]

744 Stations of the Cross [ 160 ]

779 Thermae I 7201

815 Trophy [498 i

842 Wild men 11661

745 Statuę [5541 [658 ]

780 Tholus [7241

816 Trumeau [199 I

843 Window 14721

746 Staurotheca 1 6591

781 Three-mouchette wheel I 5571

817 Tudor style 17471

1 jamb, reveal

747 Stave church 1 3391

782 Three-quarter column I 3191

818 Tumulus I 749 I

2 splay

1 stave church

783 Three-quarter round I 752 I

819 Two-storeyed church 11651

3 sili

748 Stele | 66Ó1

784 Tierceron 17321

820 Tympanum [ 750]

4 lintel

749 Stereobate [661

785 Tiled stove 1525 I

821 Typology L751 j

5 profile

750 Stoa [6631

786 Timber framing, half-timber

6 mullion

751 Stone-sculpture [ 280 I

construction [7891

7 tracery

752 Strapwork [475]

1 sili, sole piąte

822 Undercroft [3571.........................



2 slud

823 Unicom 273 i

9 window cross

754 Strotere 070

3 Mad, brosummer, linlel

::::::::: 10: loumiiambed::::::::::::::::::::

755 Stm

4 raił

11 coupled

756 Stud 651 ........................

::::::: 5: drace::::::::::

824 Vanishmq point i 566

12 two-ilght

757 Stytobat.

6 panel;;;;;

825 Vaul!>og iMdl

13 Iłiree-light

75H Stylus .........

7 beam

1 barreł. tunnel vault

14 reheving arch

759 Sudatonum 676,

8 beam-head, beam-ond

2 cap

15 cirCular, oculus

i i 76c> Suppj^pśgjf& i i i i i ii

9 br ackei

3 hlp cap

16 guatrefpłl, trefod key-hole

:: ŚWiii iSiippDrt lESKSli

787 Tomb L239J 748

4 Sunette

17 oen de bosuf

:: 762 SuppOrtttfS i\24$'- \ \ \

1 sapufcral slab

5 gromed vaui!

18 wheel

■ 76£dSwag:[:l:96:Y::::::::::::

2 tanib

6 grom

19 rosę

764 SymboJs, Christian [680

3 sarcgphitgus

7 rtbbed hb vault

1 Agnus Oei

4 epiiaph, memoriał tablet

8 ńb

21 traceued

2 asp

5 cenotaph

9 bay formauon

22 podirnent

3 alpha and omega

7BB Torso 726

10 trarwverse arch

23    segmenlal pedimanl

24    blind window

4 monogram of Christ

7B9 loiture cane i 2701

11 bay

5 tnangte cndosmg an eye

790 Totus : M7

12 double bay

844 Wmg paviliqp

6 unlcom

791 Toiśifer

13 cambered

845 Women*s appertmentB (2)

7 fish

1 cdurch tower

14 domicai vauit


H 8 cross

" «v ^ :s:j^mpaiiue................

IS omamental vaultmgs

*84#'Warnen's appaiirm®rvti|; bower

9 erosa, ;jiesifi;ła«cSoł^ \ » « „10 policąrr

* . 3 stai^towf ?, starr luweL « ^ 4 rower, pool-tower

s , 16 smr-va'uHifig:: "iS 4 * 17;r»et*vautting * [

3^2| * • 847 wMd-carving [J59

1f póacock s

/ keep, don|on. towef-łtó^use *

V*3 !6 tafl-vaulting

S rn

12 phoenix» 11 * '"***&*■.

Ł 7p wptpsńaiaiwe tower

’* 13 dąyfl

14- signi of „

- 7Ś2 4ró 17§1)

gaflymgtibs »

840 Yossna ]?M ,™ " s ,

793 Jower with opqn gdrge.?

21 cicHstored vauit J « ^s *

- =** Yr;!

15 typoldgy! * **

5emidrćular tówer 69 i

:Si !h ^

16 eysngetiats = 794 Tracoty (4101««» ■* » i23eowe * •• * . * *

J65 Synagpfije Jjfij a A ,, .7,90.Tr^nsonna 730 ^ 7 : |4 cupola. tfome a - 7HW \ 786 43 796 Trahsepf "454^ : 731 " "«S2ś Vestibule , 755 ^ * 1"' .... * »

& 1 ff? * 7 ,, , IU i 7; - » >®.«* -mm » .;9StKv :.m m ».w Si m , * *"* w '

049 Z\qm$, cheynan 906]

850 Zoophotus, [|dpa '^ 051 Zopfstll 199 » « •

« “ 7, ,r“ *- * ‘ “ **

' «'"®' «‘*m«m B

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