40078 sryle w archI7

40078 sryle w archI7

Angielski 497

4 mock gallery

359    Gallery of the Kings [354]

360    Gargoyle I 6241

361    Gate-tower 17621

362    Geisipodes I 7901

363    Geisipodes (1); beam-head, beam-end (2) 14881

364    Genius [2191 1 Juno

365    Georgian style 12201

366    Glazed tile [2771

367    Gloriette 12251

368    Gloriole 12241

369    Gobelin [2291

370    Golden section 17931

371    Goldsmithry I 7941

1    engraving

2    chase

3    granulate

372    Gospel-side I 6681

373    Gothic gable, canopy [7661

374    Gothic sway 1233 I

375    Gotico florido [2311

376    Gotico oceanico 12321

377    Gouache 12451

378    Granulate 12361    _

379    Great hall, hall keep 14921

380    Great hall, hall keep (1); women’s appartments, bower (2) [627]

381    Grisaille [2381

382    Groin 1691 I

383    Grotesque fl6T1 [24Ó1

384    Ground floor (1); parterre (2) [506]

385    Grunderzeit, period of promote-

rism 12421    _

386    Guarinesque 12431

387    Guilloche frieze 15361

388    Guttae 1392 I

389    Gymnasium 12221

390    Half-dome [1331

391    Half-timber construction 17891

392    Hall church 13441

393    Hall church (aisled) I 3351

394    Hall keep [6271

395    Halo [~59l

1    gloriole

2    cross-nimbus

3    aureole

4    mandorla

5    square-nimbus

396    Head, bresummer 14651

397    Header l227I

398    Hellenistic art 16981

399    Heim [~260l

400    Heraldic pane 17671

401    Heraldry 12471

402    Herm 12491

403    Herrera style 12501

404    Hexafoil [69Ó1

405    Hip cap (2) [3141

406    Hippodamian system 1251 l

407    Hip, slope 11401

408    Hirsau school [2521

409    Historicism 12531

410    Holborn-gable 16861

411    Holy Sepulchre 1241 l

412    Hortus 12541

413    Hotel [2551

414    Hourdis [2561

415    Hypaethral tempie 12571

416    Hypocaust I258I

417    Hypotrachelium 1259 I

418    Iconostasis 1261 I

419    lllusionism 14021

420    lmpluvium I 2621

421    Impost (2) [7981

422    Incrustation 12641

1    intarsia

2    marquetry

3    inlaying

4    damascening

5    niello

423    Indentation I 7901

424    Indented [ 791 1

425    Ingoing 14901

426    Inlaying 17141

427    Instruments of the Passion


428    Insula 12651

429    Intarsia 12661

430    Intercolumniation 12671

431    Interlace H79l

432    Interlaced trefoil 17421

433    Interlacing arches I 48 I

434    Intersection I 5751

435    Intrados 14901

436    łonie order 12761

437    Isabella style 1269 I

438    Jamb, reveal, ingoing, intrados, soffit [4901

439    Jamb, splay 16121

1 jamb, reveal, ingoing

440    Jesuit baroque 12751

441    Jube [3491

442    Kalymatie 12781

443    Keep, donjon I 74 I 11541 [6641

444    Keep, donjon, tower-house [763]

445    Kerkides [3061

446    Keystone 18041

447    Kiblah [3071

448    Labyrinth [2741 [3691

449    Lacunar 13031

450    Lady Chapel [2931 [3701

451    Lambrequin 1371 I

452    Lamp 17051

1    candelabrum

2    chandelier

3    chandelier with a carved madonna

4    chandelier surmounted by a female figurę

5    tenebar lamp

6    sanctuary lamp

7    sconce

8    apostle lamp

453    Landscape architecture 14691

1    geometrically designed garden

2    barogue garden

3    gloriette

4    orangery

5    English landscape garden

454    Lantern [3741

455    Latrine, corbelled garderobę


456    Lavabo 16371

457    Lectern [~584l

458    Lenten veil 11201

459    Liberty 16371

460    Lierne-rib [3771

461    Linenfold (1)

462    Lintel 14451

463    Lisene f3821

464    Litai 1381 I

465    Loggia 13841

466    Long-and-short-work 13851

467    Loop-hole 16721_

468    Louis-Quatorze [3861

469    Louis-Quinze I 3871

470    Louis-Seize 13881

471    Lozenge frieze I 6071

472    Lucarne 13901

473    Luftlmalerei, faęade painting [3891

474    Lunette [3911

475    Lunette, fanlight 1391 I

476    Machicolation I 3991

477    Machicoulis, machicolation [399]

478    Mandorla [4041

479    Man-hole, sally port 12151

480    Mannersim 1405l

481    Man of Sorrows 11691

482    Mansard [4061

483    Manueline style 14071

484    Marble [4091

1    Pentelican marble

2    Parian marble _

485    Mark of ownership 17961

486    Marquetry 14081

487    Mascaron 14131

488    Mask, mascaron 14131

489    Masonry 14371

1    natural stone

2    rough-stone, ribble

3    boulder

4    ashlar

5    square stone

6    brick

7    infilling

490    Mason’s lodge 16711 _

491    Mason’s mark 12281 17951

492    Mausoleum 14161

493    Meander 14171

494    Medallion [4191

495    Megaron [4201

496    Memoriał church 13421

497    Memoriał tablet, epitaph 1181 l

498    Mensa [421~1

499    Mercy, seyen works of 1645 l

500    Metope 14221

501    Mezzanine 14231

502    Migration style-frieze 11031

503    Mihrab ["471 [4281

504    Minaret 14291

505    Minorite church 13401

506    Minster 14361

507    Misericord 14301

508    Modern style, liberty, art nouve-au 16371

509    Module 1431 I

510    Monastery 13101

1    cloister

2    lavabo, well-house

3    church

4    chapter-house

5    refectory

6    parlour

7    dormitory

8    cells ___

511    Monopteros 14321

512    Monument 1548 I

513    Moresque_[4151

514    Mosque 14181

515    Motte [4331

516    Mouchette l 821

517    Moulding [2461

1    base moulding

2    string course

3    weathering

4    cornice

5    corona

6    hood-mould

7    angulation _

518    Mozarabic style 14341

519    Mudejar 14351

520    Mullion [3731

521    Multifoil [7591

522    Muses l~442l

523    Mushroom floor I 501 l

524    Mutule [44fl

525    Nailhead 11371 11491

526    Naiskos [4481

527    Naos 14491

528    Narthex [4501

529    Nave 13291 [4531

530    Necking [527]

531    Neo-Baroque 14551

532    Neo-classicism, revolutionary architecture 16001

533    Neo-Gothic 14561 _

534    Neo-Renaissance 14571

535    Niello 14581

536    Nimbus [4581

537    Nosing cusp 14621

538    Nun’s gallery 11131

539    Nymphaeum 1461 I

540    Obelisk l~464l

541    Octagon 14741

542    CEil de bceuf 17721

543    Ogee 14681

544    Ogee moulding 1564 l

545    Ogive frieze 14891

546    Opisthodomos I 4781

547    Opus 14801

548    Orangery 14821

549    Orant HflTl

550    Oratory I 4831

551    Orchestra 14841

552    Organ front 15691

553    Oriel [2921

554    Oriel 17791 1 oriel

555    Orientation 14851

556    Ornament 14861


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