internet Users and Penetration In Select Countries Worłdwide, 2006 (millions and % of population) | ||
Internet |
Penetration | |
users | ||
US |
1819 |
636% |
Chma |
133 5 |
102% |
japan |
872 |
68 4% |
Germany |
39 4 |
47 8% |
UK |
35.1 |
57 9% |
South Korea |
344 |
705% |
France |
28.7 |
47.1% |
italy |
28.6 |
49 2% |
India |
25 5 |
2.3% |
Brazil |
21.2 |
11.3% |
Canada |
21.0 |
63.4% |
Mexico |
20.0 |
18 6% |
Spam |
16.5 |
40.8% |
Australia |
13.1 |
64.5% |
A'gentma |
7.9 |
19 8% |
Rest of World |
354.0 |
12.1% |
Worłdwide |
1,080 |
16.9% |
Notę eMarketer uses lustoricai data from the International Telecommumcations unon (HU) as a basehne, penetration figur es are based on populat/on estimates from the US Census Bureaus International Data Base (IDB). an internet user is óefined as someone vvfto uses the internet at least once per month
Source eMarketer, January 2007_
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