The Singing Class4

The Singing Class4

The Singing Class


Watch the stars

Watch the stars, see how they run

Watch the stars, see how they run

They all run down to the setting of the sun

Watch the stars, see how they run

Watch the moon, see how it climbs

Watch the moon, see how it climbs

The moon climbs high at the sun's setting time

Watch the moon, see how it climbs

Watch the wind, see how it blows

Watch the wind, see how it blows

The children know that the wind's got to blow

Watch the wind, see how it blows

Watch the clouds, see how they fly

Watch the clouds, see how they fly

They all run by on the windblown sky

Watch the clouds, see how they fly...

11. .

Dance to your daddy

Dance to your daddy My little laddie Dance to your daddy My little lamb You shall have a fishy On a little dishy You shall have a fishy When the boat comes in Dance to your daddy My little laddie Dance to your daddy My little lamb


Father Christmas! Father Christmas!

Father Christmas! Father Christmas!

Where are you? Where are you?

Stuck up in the chimney, stuck up in the chimney Bang, crash, bang! Bang, crash, bang!





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