In addltion to Cancellaras scandal the cyclłng world te shocked by an other tesue. We have recelved an Info loak from a trustworthy source that the top sprinter Tom Boonen who rldes under the colours of Pro Tour team Oulck Step te also uslng unlawfal means of powering hłs Eddy Merckx blke. Seams that the FFWD F5R have a bullt In hamster wheel, wtth what Boonen can use an extra power for sprlnts to the flnlsh linę. In normal raclng condltions the hamster te sleeping insłde the rlm. When the special button te belng pressed. a carrot will be lowered to the vlslon zonę of the anlmal. Aft er that the effort put In by the hamster wil Increase the speed of the blke about an other 5 knVh accordlng to the slze of the carrot. Seams that the system Is worklng. because the man te unu8ually successful. Is any other cycUst uslng this clever inventlon is yet to be dlscovered.