Gathrring llair
Start In gathcringascction of hair 2-3inchoswido.
Adding Hair
(iatltor hair liki- this... ...not this.
Koopinj? thc Braid Tighl
Fur thc back of tho lwa<l Fronch braid, useynur lingernail to make a part and draw a section of hair back from tho face to thc braid.
AlwayNwork willi >tiiu handscloso to thc hcad. In fact, no ahcad and |>ross)xnir handsright ii|> agaitist tho hoad as>x>u braid.
Anylimcyou Inniyoursclf holding all tho hair in one band. useyour free łiand to luj; down on tho strands. lightoning tho braid.
Koran intricalc. moro formal braid, add skinny strandsof hair. For a moro a et iw. inforinal braid, add fat strandv Iii oithercase, try to Im- consistont.