will and going to

1 Write predictions about technology in ten years’ time. Use I think... or / don't think... and the phrases in the box.


all children / have a mobile phone camcorders / be very smali digital cameras / be very expensive cars / need petrol houses / use solar energy watches / include MP3 players

I think all children will have a mobile phone.

2 Think of offers or promises for the problems in the box. Use

/'«.... -» 6.1,6.2

I can’t do my homework.

I need to cali my mum, but I haven't got my mobile phone. I want to watch this film, but my DVD player is broken.

I’m going to miss my fayourite IV programme tonight.

| Pil ask my sister to help you. |

4    Match the pairs of sentences. -» 6.1,6.2

1    ‘What would you like to eat, sir?’

2    'Have you got Sam’s number?’

3    ‘These pens are 90p each.'

4    ‘The shower isn’t working.'

5    ‘We’re leaving now.’

a ‘Pm not surę. Pil look in my Phonebook.' b Tli go with you.' c 'Pil have the pasta, please.’

e ‘Pil take three.’

5    Write predictions about the pictures with going to. Use the verbs in the box to help you. -* 6.3,6.4

Grammar Builder • Unit 6

6 Write down three things you intend to do this weekend and three things you don't intend to do. Use l'm (not) going

to....-* 6.3, 6.4

l'm not t)oing to do anj homework.

© Zero conditional / may, might, could

7    Match the two halves of the sentences. ■* 6.6

1    If you press this button,

2    If you can't say anything nice,

4 If I drink coffee in the evening,

3    It doesn’t matter 6 Ifyou say'siP,

a ifyou need me.

b ifyou break that calculator - it was cheap. c I never sleep well. d the lights come on. e my dog sits down. f don’t say anything at all.

8    Complete the text with may, might and could and the verbs in the box. There is one negative form.

become do happen prefer share want

Sales of CDs are declining because of illegal file sharing, and film companies are worried that the same thing 1 with DVDs. As downloads become faster, morę

and morę people1_Rlms overthe Internet rather

than buyingthem. Buying DVDs3_ a thing ofthe

past. The musie industiy now encourages legał downloads from websites like the iTunes Musie Storę. The film

industry *_something similar. However, if they tiy

to charge too much for film downloads, people5-

to pay. They6_to download them illegally using one

ofthe many file-sharing programs.



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