In thv* port of Ute e s amination you will be Mked to find out flf much information ii you CMTi abotit Ibe odter SftnJ
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• na me*
• whare he/ ahe lfves
• where W aha comai fh>m
• if he/ >he bat ever been to other countriea
• bow long he/ she ha* lłved hi the arca
• bow he/ she spetrt his/ her last summer of ia going to spend hii/ ber summer thta year
• details of her/his family
Outy ask for ńrfbrmation you do not already krtow,
In additioh the eaaminer may have one or two morę ąueśtions for you to ask your partner abcut
In tłus part of the examination you will be asked to iraagine that you are going together on a three-dty trio to rh. Here are some possible aspects of the trip which you have to take into consideration:
Please prepare to talk to the other student in order to deckłe on the details of the trip. Diacuaa n toast tknę of 1 gmng recaons tor your optmoni. Conaider which of these aspects are most impoctant wtulę planwng a trip.
Please be prepared to tell the cx*nuner the result of your dtacuiskin
ll is not necessary to agree wtth each other.
You will hawt about tknę minuuu for this part of examtnation
Prepue to enpttss yourself in the foUowmg sńuations.
• siouooo ooe (mden)
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