nufffótit B
PARTOWI Jmtnutts
In ihi* pan of the ex»minatłon you will be aiked to find oiił *• much Information as you can nbout the othcr student'*
• na mes
• wbere ha/ she lives
• where be/ shc comei from
• łfhe/ahehasemheentoothCTcmmfrłe*
• how long ho/ sho ha* lived in the aren
• how be/ shc *penl his/ hor Insi lummer Of I* golng to ipend his/ her summer this ye*r
• cietaih of her/his Amtily
Outy atk far Information you Ho not already know,
In addrhołi the exammer may have one or two morę que*tlona for you to nok your partner about.
PARTTWO 4mtnuta
la this pan of the eaamination you will be aaked to imagine tliat a group of retired professors from Britain are visiting your faculry next week Herc are some suggestions of place* they might want to vlait in thelr free time
• The Wieliczka Salt Minę
• Zakopane
a The National Museuza
• A jazz club
• Nowa Kuta
• A ohopping centra
• The Market 8quare
• The Wawel Caetle
• The Słowacki Theatre
• A reetaurant eerving Poliah food
• A studenta' club
Please prrpare to talk to the otber student in order to discuu and decide which three or four of these places might be of the most tniercrt to the professors and which of the least interest, giving reasons. Consider the rurtoo’ age and professioa.
Please be prepared to tell the exajniner the result of your ducussion.
// u not necessary to agree wlth each other.
You will hove about three minutes for this part of examination
PART THREE 2mnutes
Prepare to eapreas yoursclf tu the foUowing situations.
• t ituation one (reactlon)
• iśmiMit two (metkuj