img009 4

img009 4




Read the following statements carefully; choose the correct answer for each statement by making a elear tick' on the answer sheet against the letter ofyour choice.

1.    What is meant by the term load net weight?

a.    The load    only.

b.    The weight of the load, packaging and pallet.

c.    The weight of the truck.

2.    The truck’s rated capacity will be reduced when:-

a.    The load    centre    is inereased

b.    The load    centre    is decreased

c.    The load    obscures your vision

3.    What is meant by the term “load gross weight?”

a.    The weight of the truck and the load.

b.    The combined weight of the load, packaging and the pallet.

c.    The weight of the load only

4.    The lift truck’s “rated capacity” applies when the mast is in the: -

a.    Vertical position

b.    Titled back position

c.    Titled forward position


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