student B
P ART ÓNfe J ntnutts
In (His pnrt of (Iw exsmination you will be nskcd to flnd out aa much infonmtion as you cm abóut the other student**
■ namet
• where hc/ she lives
• where he/ she conwi Iłom
• if be/ she has ever bucu to other countries
• bow long hot she has livcd in the area
• how hc/ she spent his/ her last summer or ii going to tpend his/ her summer (hi* year
• detailsofher/his fatnily
Onfy ask fot information you do not already know.
In addition the exairaner may have one or two morę queitioni for you to ask your partner about.
PART IWO 4 minuta
In thii pan of the exanunation you will be asked to imagine that you want to do your best to speak befter English. Herc are some thmgs that can help you to achieve this goal:
Please prepare to talk to (be otber student in order to ducuss and decide which of tbe objects woułd prove most uscful fiat self-itudy and wfajch least useful, giving reasona. Suggest bow they could be used during rcgulu claaaes.
Please be prepared to tefl the exajnincr the result of your diacuuioa
It u not necasary to agree with gach other
You wtU have about three minuta for thit part of examination.
Prepare to eteptea* yountlf in (he foliowing utualions
• situatKia one (reection)
Pracujesz w firmie Comp World Odbieraa telefon Twój rutm&wca/ Twoja nwndwcsyni chce rozmawiać t panem Whmr'«m-Poinformuj go/ ją grzecznie, i* niestety pan Winter wyjechał ihdbowo de Hiapanit i tapyta/, ety coś pnekatai.
| iiłiuooa two (acńen)
Jeetei na dworcu kolejowym Ytaorio w Londynie Podchodsia de informacji Zapytaj o goduma odjoode wgbłuuego pociągu de Oboeęow, orm dowiodę B ery jest to pociąg bezpośredni, ay t pnetiadhami.