

< łganie curbon m ihc eanhNcnw cxpresscd in 10",

(After Wcltc. 1970)

Organisms and dissoKed organie C Sedirnems

Metamorphic rocks of sedimentary origin ot ail metamorphic rocks)

Total organie car bon





f ree and formerly frcc oxygen in the eanh*s crust. cxprcsscd in 10 ‘ t exclus»ve of oxygen in carbonates and silicates

(Aftcr Welle, 1970)

Atmosphcrc Oce ans

Biological CO? DissoKed marinc SQ$ Evs|pOrittc SO4 IcO —*■ fcjOj Total oxygen

lis 0.02 o 10 2 10.2


Źródło Tissoł


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