


Bóx 7-4

7-4: Kupferschiefer Copper Deposits of SW Poland

Lubin-Sieroszowice District: Lat. 51035' N, Long. I6°61 E

Sławomir Oszczepalski1, Derek BIundellb1

Polish Geological Institutc, Rakow iecka 4, 00-975 Warsów, Polarni s Royal Holloway. University of London, Eg/tam. Sumy TW20 OEX, England Received 30 April 2004. acceptcd 15 January 2005

16* E    18* E    20* E

Fig. 1. Distribution of Kupferschiefer copper deposits in Poland (Oszczepalski and Rydzewski. 1997): the Lubin-Sicroszowice district is in dark green. wherc the amount of copper in the deposits is 20 kg per squarc metre of surfacc arca. The arca of uppermost Rotliegcnd dunc-beddcd aeolian sandstone (Kamkowski, 1999) is shown b> crcscent dunes. FSB fore-Sudetic błock: L Lubin:

P - Poznan: W - Wrocław.

Producing mining district: Lubin. Polkowice-Sieroszowice and Rudna (Fig. 1).

Mining: Underground (650 to 1150 m). Commodities: Cu. Ag. Pb. Au, Pt. Pd. Ni. Se. Re. Co. Zn. Mo. V.

Annual production (2003): 569.0001 Cu. 17.550 t Pb, 1.561 t Ag, 1.955 t nickel sulphate. 0.2% t Au. 0.034 t slime Pt+Pd. 68 t Se.

Economic reserves: 2,369 V1t ores. 47.07 Mt Cu @ 1.3 to 2.6%, 135,000 t Ag (S 30 to

80 g/t.

Type: Kupferschiefer (Cu shale) Cu-Ag deposits (Pb. Zn, Co, Mo. Ni. V. Se. Au. Pt Pd. Re). Rotę Faule-related Au-Pt-Pd minerałization (resources in Polkowice arca 661 Au @ l .8 g/t).

Morphology: stratiform bed. peneconcordant,

IocalK discordant (Fig. 2). 20%ofCu mineralization occurs in Kupferschiefer black shale. 50% in underlying Rotłiegend sandstone and 30% in overl\ ing Zechstein limestone. Cu mineralization associated with redo\ surface, the Rotę FSule.

Age of mineralization: Farl) Triassic. 190 to 216 Ma. based on ił lite diagenesis.

Ore minerals: chalcocite. bomite, chalcop>rite. Alteration: Rotę Faule-related oxidation and hemat ization.

Agc of host roeks: Permian. 258 Ma.

Naturę of host roeks: Kupferschiefer Fm. base Zechstein (unconfomiable upon Rotłiegend elasties and bimodal volcanics). aeolian sandstones. marinę black shaies and marls. marinę dolomites and limestones.

Fig 2 Schemat i c cross-section of the Polish Kupferschiefer copper mineralization (OszczepaLski. 1999). moditled from Rentzsch (1974).


Kamkowski. P.H.. 1999 Origin and evolttfkm of the Polish Rotłiegend Basin. Polish Geological Institutc

Special Papcrs 3.93 pp.

Oszczepalski. S.. 1999. Origin of the Kupferschiefer poi) meta Hic mineralization in Poland. Mineralium

Deposita 34. 599-613.

Oszczepalski. S. Rydzewski. V. 1997 Metalłogenic Atłas of the Zechstein Copper-Bcanng Senes in Poland Polish Geological Institutc. Warsaw. 32 pp.. 16 pl. Rentzsch. J.. 1974 The Kupferschiefer in eomparison with the deposits of the Zambian Coppnhełt. In: BartholomC. P. (I d). Giscmcnts Stratiformeset Pro\ inces Cupriłeres Sooctc geok>gique de Belgkjuc. Lićgc. pp. 395—418.

O rc 0^15“


corresponding authon e-mail d.Blundell d gl.rhul.ac.uk


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