

7-4: Kupferschiefer Copper Deposits of SW Polane] Lubin-Sieroszowice District: Lat. 51°35’ IN, Long. I6°6’ Sławomir Oszczepalski", Derek Blundellb*

" Polish Gćologicat Inslilule. Rakow iecka 4, 00-975 Warsów, Roland '' Royal Holloway, (Jniwersity oj London. Egham, Surrey 7W20 0EX, England Kcceivcd 30 April 2004. acccptecl 15 January 2005


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lic \. Pisidbunon ot kupferschiefer copper deposiuin PolanJ ;epal-ki and R\d,re\N>ki, 19^TV the Lubin-Sk v\ uc aisinci »> in daii greem wterc < mom\ ^ eopper m ihe deposii> is 20 kę per $quaiv nu nc ot surfa* -area. H*earc\i ąf uppewnost    4mw*WW

aev>Han Si«rd>K>ne (K.uD.k< an . :tUSM ^    -5"

crescend dunes. I SU kM^-SudciK' błock, \ Lubin*

P - Pocr^m; W - Wrodąw.

witypt ^ $ ky/m

Morphology: strat i form bed, peneconcordant. locally discordant (f ig. 2). 20% of ( u minemlization occurs in Kupferschiefer black shalc, 50% in underlying Itotliegend swndstone and 30% in overlying Zechstein limestone, Cu minerali/aiion Associated with redox surfece, the Kole I aule.

Ągr ol mimrah/afton: l :irly Triasie. 190io216 Ma, bascd on illite diageneaijk On* miiu iiils: ehalcoche. bornitc, chaleopyritc AlttratioBi Rotę! Bule related oxłdttidn and


Ag* oi liost rocka: Perm tan, 258 Ma,

Nu im v olhoNt iiKks: Kupfcrsclucfel I m, basc /echsiem (uneonfonuablc upon Rotliegcnd <• i-nitcs and himodal volcanicsk acolian .sandstoncN. matmę black shales and inatL, mannę dolomilCN and limestones*

Productng miaing district: Lubin* Polkowice

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