Witał Ki tttfc f' ł^c man fieccrneó t/Te wiję cf tWc k^injs, atuf tfte rnctler

Wc moro

Sjxo<i Engbrid. 1002- Not only is /tthełrcd a failure as King. bul his young bridc, Emma of Normandy soon discovers he even woise as a husband. Wben the Danish Vikings. lod by Swc.n Forirhcard and his son, Cmit. causo a maristrom nt chaos. Emma. as Que«n. must take coniroi if the Kingdom—and her ciown—are 10 bo satogcd Smaricr than bisiory rcmembcrs. and strongcr than thc forcign invnders who ihreaicn Englancfs shorcs. Emma nsks everyth:rę oo a gambie that could eicher fulfill her ambitions and dreams or desiroy her complecely.

Emnu, ihe Queen of Saxon England. comes 10 lifc ilu ough the exqeisitc wrkmg of Hcfcn Hołlick. who shows -n this cpio cało how one of thc most compcfling and vwid heroines in Engtnh lustory stood uli through a lurbulent fifty-ycar reign of proud determination. cra#c dospaii.and uiumph over o eachery.

PRAISE FOR HELEN HOLLICK 'lf onły all histoncal fiction could be this good." iiuwriwf WwtA Rewo. ‘Hollick jugglcs a large cast of charactcrs and a błoody. tanglcd plot with gneat sklll.


"A very tatented writer."

—Slmlnii KfWiiiłn,    autluir <if 0»vV* Rin«l

"Helen Hollick has it all. Shc tclls a great story" derami Con>..eii

WHAT RF.ADF.RS A HE SAYING "Paims an etcepuoru) porcraic of Emnta...an extremeły exceilent re*d._once you begm readmg you woiu want co stop uncii you absolutely fuve co!"

"Evcry fan of mcdtcval history fiction and of Ang|o-Saxon England should tead this boolc"

“For any histoncal novci fans this is a must Impossiblc to put down"

sourcefcooks landmork



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