'The Greyfriar tsfUcdtath fsst-pacaJaaton and urd-urttuncbaracten... a great story that drates you m and kocpj you rradtng. Icoiildn Vput /iiJ down!'
“A ritid. start ling, and horrifymg depittton of a world uhm humam ho longtr sit at the top of the food cham ... aJresh, intriguinglalce on tire rarnpire mytlsos.’
"Ploenornenal.. .front start to finisb. Amntng vampm mytbołogy, a chiJUng aJsern.sU bisiory, and a poignant romanct that grips your u hoJt bcart and rt/nse to la go. ’
"Pulp ad ren turę at its best. Thtnłt Zorro u rth uamprrcs.. .atole of mptnahsm. ‘manifest destmy.' gfobal mjiict, andpouer pJays sten from both iamptrt and haman eyts."
“SimultaKtOHsJy alurnatt bistory. tptc adtmture fantasy. apocaJyptic horror, and heart-rending romance ... Ibe futurę of genre fiction is... The Greyfriar.*
Princea Adele abandon* dury and embarks on a desperate qu«i (o keep ber nar co from genocide at the Equanxun Empire and American Republic allies strategize plam for victory aguinst the rarnpire clani of the noeth. Rcunited with her great love, the myjterious adventurer know n as the Greyfriar, Adele » pureued fcy her own people and her eengełul hushand, Senator Clark. With the human allunce in dbamy, Pnnce Cesarc, lord cf the Bntith vampire elan. strikes at the rery heart cf Equatoru.
As Adele fightt to bring order to her worki, the learns more about the strange power the rahibited in the north. If she could ever bring this power under her command, the could be death to vampires. But such a v*ccory wouki also cost the life of Adeles beloved Greyfriar.
A captrvating mix of high adventure and akernate hittory. the Vampire Empire trilogy brings epic polami themn to I ife withtn a tale of hetutbreaking romance, tacrifke. and heronm.
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