Madę with a size 1 Othread and J needle.
cluster #4-R: 5+(p)5-5 cl dnr R; 5+(p) 10-5 cl dnr
R: 5+(p)?+(p on I st r)5 cl iw CH: 20+(lst cluster) CutTie Hide Cnds
cluster#1 Ki 5-5-5 cldnr R: 5+(p) 1 0-5 cl dnr Ki 5+(p)5-5 cl iw CM; ZO iw cluster #2 K: 5+(p)5-5 cl dnr R: 5+(p)l 0-5 cl dnr R: 5+(p)5-5 cl iw
cluster #5 R: 5+(p)5-5 cl dnr R: 5+(p)l 0-5 cl dnr R: 5+(p)5-5 cl iw
CH: 20
Rlace tattfnSover bult> and securc withsjue