03 (28)

03 (28)

E A tcchnician bas bccn askcd to connect a new scanncr to a Computer. Which interface provides the 1'ast

6    transfer of data?

• USB 2.0

C SCSI (Ultra-320)

C Parallel (IEEE 1284)

C Serial (RS-232)


7    A company has a prevcntive maintcnancc policy that reąuires cvcry Computer have a new rcstorc point every six months. How can a tcchnician crcalc the rcstorc point?

C From the CLI enter the command restore /cn.

C Go to Start > Control Panel > Aeeessories > System Tools > System Restore > Create a restor % (Jo to Start > AU Programs > Aeeessories > System Tools > System Restore > Create a restor< C Right-click My Computer and then go to Properties > Restore > Create Restore Point.

E The network manager dccidcs to implement a simple security solution to the company WLANs. Which

8    security techniąue should the manager takc to hide the WLAN id from any acccss point?

C Configure WEP only on the acccss point.

C Install WAP on the wirclcss clicnts.

C Configure MAC address filtering on the acccss point.

Disable the broadeast of the SSID on the aecess point.

C Dccrcasc the antenna spectrum on cach wireless clicnt.


9    What arc two charactcristics of the IEEE 1284 parallel interface standard? (Choosc two.) r These cablcs usually have 9 pins or 25 pins on both ends.

I” The maximum cablc length is 50 ft (15 m).

r Ali ports that arc used by this standard arc also known as D-shell ports.

•    The two available operative modes are EPP and ECP.

#    Bi-directional communication is allowed.

Ei A Computer had updates installed and was rebooted. Nothing is displaying on the monitor that is conn 0 the Computer. What could the tcchnician do to reset the monitor settings?

C Use the BIOS.

C Use the Windows installation CD.

C Use intcrnal DOS commands.

Use the F8 key.



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