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Oh* M* MM( MMI ■ —<> •* '*■'< W» At Ai o ii wLaU.1 hm —|
liii* alory h t>|«al d what Itcjutad) happroa to wotkoi ia phoaphona maich tadofics.
• Kior <* . Ml 4 WkW al
tlibly-oor willi two rhildm V* *uppxl. wx*i to wtok in • maich lacitny. New-madę Kiakhn. rootil wilk phca-phorua puu. nrtc thsapcd ca ■ ubić in lf«u d hrt. Skr pa: iW m U>««.
Kow i werk wat »-4 koty. li mjuatrd trauwri cnci^ł cantbuod wtlh
iford The y«u>< modwt *« Mwo«
ar.d capoblc and Iliad <d » chanw lo wtok and Łtcp Jot lillłr Umil) Uatrtlir/. PcoKOcot pkoplora w u u«d in
r*» *• ■ •» .Wo» ■ U»*wy mmśm
w męęmrn M • mJ IM .MU
tkc tiulchc* Ro>* haadod. Il rol» ikr Irdk and ;aw bceet id ikr w-orkcn. cau»ia« hoftible lwal iudmr.«. grana! drhdit). and cdkn dcli Matrkn <an br manj/ałtund withco: iko harmM ■ulaUr.ir Hol ikr (kcko n . Va|o». Il ii ntimatrd tkał il urn aeeuaOy noc <«nl w orty nu leli u*n.
The rihctl «d iku potno are w woli knerwa ihal practnally octy ntilistd country n ikr w.«ld. rorpł ikc l mad Sum. ku pmkdokd iw wr by law. Hi*c workrd a aa Amnicaa lackoy.
F.ioj day dir wodni ikr took inln krt tttirm raote d 6r |««<*». Skr w*» a •idllul wtokrt. I Hal mranl ikil ikr Ławicd mor* mak het. aad iktrdior w a. |.w*wxd tntne *px!dy pokapi tkań a
alow. otcAcMSł wotkri wuuU br. Mir rmkuni diKuadort. paa and bully •*ooy. Sbe lad “Pbotay jiw."
W boi tkc crelda'! wrak asy mrar. Rotę wml lo 4 hotptul. Surpvjc« rei Mil tl* odrclcd uppa |* w. knno -eranlml willi ibc poiaun.
Far brapiul ojniKi lh< makii «*■ porabco lurauhcd MW, ia ewhaaje l« wbkh ihr brłplnt wotnan tignral ■ pa|Xt rttraiing tlw company Iiwn *1) hl»l obli«atNin-
Wbm Kow un. oul ot tbc krap.tal. tSr w 41 bid ikat tbc <uatd wn a*ain rat uiitltin^ bul Itapiid łood. Aad .he cnułtl ae* qml. Uwc.włd uolj mambie. Skr kod tlili be* IwnrhŁIrrn u> tupport
H— C %m MIK rai' M 04.
im Mii m—i m *«vi «4 • mmmmm mim
ocd dtr bręaa i >P4rtk l>« wcik. Kul Bul in aa Ami-utn ma u h Ula).
Fol "Pbcaty jaw" don mora tka drjmtt a prawni ut ikr bram «d the awarii •od im*. Il uln away yculb tal •ttmgtb and iraitajr. Ikr maloH laf-t»m trlutr ra-tropiojmrnl la wotkm
Al thim-tix R-ra C— i« old.
Dul not wilb ikr diyimly d tran. Słtr a old wilk iul!*iiii« acd knowlcdcr <1 ba hojJcUw łuturr.
"Phoatyjaw" a naw an Amraican diraatr. Olkarnalioaa liav« abolithral il. Out Conirru can do the tam* by paatina iKr Fa<h btlL II ia lot you lo wi(x out ikia "nalional diraracr" by atkiaa your ttytnaiUlm in Congraaa lo work for lb» Ea«h bill