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10360553R3051497823455y09830177818846544 n

M>rts. cqullibriuni c<|uution, calculution of rciiclion.s, frcc body diagram, forcc nnd monnen* diaRram for dilTircnl typc oflondings - c\amplcs.


ITk5uj§>ort-sitc (usually nodc) in construction. which is known for its displacemcnt(usually zcro.k or thc relalionship betwccn movcmcnt and rcaction


Articulaied un-rollcr support- in this suppons simplc responsc action is unkno\sTi. The rcaction system dccomposcs into iwo independent componcnts of HA and VA. Ha is the horizontal rcaction and VA is a ycrticał rcaction.

Articulated rollcr support- in thc support of this we arc dcaling with one unknown rcaction of VA. a simplc action is perpcndicular to thc dircction of motion. An cxamplc of such bonds arc no frictional sliding connection (idcally smooth surfaces).

Fixcd support- simplc action of rcaction is unknown. In thc case of fix apart front the rcaction forcc R decomposcd into two componcnts HA and VA must be applied fixcd moment MA.

Fixcd support with the horizontal displacentent (tclcscopic connection) - The name of this typc comcs front the fact that the chains prevents the rotation and vertical ntoventent.


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