10678558…9472787436866D60258541541508334 n

10678558…9472787436866D60258541541508334 n

Muscles of the back

Extrinscic back muscles    Intrinsic back muscles




Superfidal layer Intermediate layer Deep layers Minor layor

•    interspinales

-    cervicis

-    thorhoracis

-    intertransversarii

•    cervicis -thorhoracis

-    levatores costarum (tp C3-T11 -♦ ribs 1-12)

Suboccipital muscles

-    rectus cpitis postorior major (sp C2 — latral part of inf. nochal linÄ™)

-    roctus capitis posteriro minor (post. tubercle C1 — medlal prat of of Inf. nuchal lino)

-    inferior oblique of hcad (sp C2 — tp C1)

-    superior obliquo of head (tpC2 — occipital squama)

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