. • er’s Knot
Ik - D it the new thread.
le —:njc to Figurę I I. Ais the cnd li - id thread and B ił thcend of ■ . thread. Cmu łhem and hołd •» .. thumb and forefinger at
_ i Jtouiid and oscr A. up Błrc-- B. and ovrr A agam. as shown fcf«pir*i-2.
■Ani tum A down o\er D.ovei the fer. --rjd B, and through the loop by D, as shown In Figurę 1-3.
^Bring cnd B down and hołd it with cnd A. Puli O light. nuking surę you have ptilled A down to where you want the knot. Thił knot slipu through nłO*t secd beods and holds sery well wtthuut being glued.
5 When you have tied on the new thread. wcave lite oid md bock through the work. twing surę to t>e an overhand knot after u few be-ads.
fęum l-l
erhand Knot
iw -nr ncctlle thiungh the loop.
.ntn Figurę 1-4. and lUfht.
m. through a few IvjJ. mk) lir nserhand knot.
•.-CS aro us«3 most ch.en to weave m fttead erds
w i -.mail stitch over a thread between two beads in -.-.-k and puli tlse tlttead through until you have )uM a - - •. ip uf thread kit,
^Appły a serv smali amount of glue to the thrcail doK to tlse knot and pass thtisugh a frw morę twmts.
5 Pub the thread nghtly and cut otT Ute ctteu iluead .Iow lo a bcad
Knot 1
■ • ■ arotind, and through to tir f
kont, t% shown in Figurę I -5. , 5
^ 'aa-- -.-.e thread that s now in your left hand ovcr the d m your right hand. amund, and ihrotigh (o tic knot. as shown in Figurę I -h.
ing a Bcad
1 you ml ęet a bead m ne wrerg spoi. Husa seec bead, its usaały easiet lo fcreak the - i- a tear out your wortt. Yoj want to be vety cateU wfften breaking a oead ttiough. II you and atlempt» smash it you *tt oreak ne tfreac To a«łd thread breaks, Iry the fertowng
|Tgpnm the thread oscr your finger so ■ tar "r-ad pops up away trom the thread.
tS< .--i- the beat! with the midtlle oI your (*n r-erpcndkular to the hole and ' ry the thread.
3 Tom your face away and squrrtc the pliers until the bead break*.
liawiy trak beads oset a wcittjcM j jar a
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