EXERCISE B. Practise this dialogue.

Doctor:    Hello, Mr. Adams. I’m Dr. Evans.

Patient:    Hello, Dr. Evans.

Doctor:    How are you feeling today? Are you any better?

Patient:    Not too well, Fm afraid. I have a pain in my chest and I cough a lot. I also have a sore

throat and hoarseness.

Doctor:    When did it all begin?

Patient:    It all began two days ago and today ifs much worse. I even have some difiiculty with


Doctor:    What kind of cough have you got? Do you bring anything up when you cough?

Patient:    At first it was a dry cough but now I’ve been coughing up some phlegm.

Doctor:    Do you feel any pain in your back on coughing?

Patient:    Oh yes. When I cough I feel an acute pain both in my chest and back.

Doctor:    Have you a fever?

Patient:    Yes, I have. When I took temperaturę this moming it was 37.8°C but later it jumped up

to 38.6°C.

Doctor:    Now, Fm going to examine you. Gould you strip to your waist. First Fil have a look at

your throat and then auscultate your chest. Open your mouth as wide as you can. Say ‘ah\ Putyour tongue out as far as you can. Take a few deep breaths in and out through your nose, please. Stop breathing for a moment.

EXERCISE C. State the location of the following organs in relation to other organs. Use locative

adjectives and locative prepositions.


The nose is....................

............ to the eyes.


The pharynx is..............

............to the larynx.


The larynx is.................

............to the pharynx.




The lungs lie.................

........................to the heart.

EXERCISE D. (1) Study the word roots related to the parts of the respiratory system.

Word root

Refers to




Pulmonology - nauka zajmująca się chorobami płuc



Pneumonia - zapalenie płuc



Thoracolumbar - pierśiowo-lędźwio wy



Pleuracotomy - drenaż jamy opłucnej



Pharyngoscopy - wziernikowanie gardła



Laryngoscopy - wziernikowanie krtani



Rhinopathy - choroba nosa


Bronchial tree

Bronchoconstriction - zwężenie oskrzeli



Tracheospasm - skurcz tczawicy

The suffbc -itis means    (2) The suffix -itis means ‘inflammation of, e.g. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi.

‘inflammation of    Make up new terms from the roots given below and the suffix -itis and explain their meaning as in the

example.    Pulmo- ...................................................

Pleur- .....................................................

Pharyng- .................................................

Laryng- ...................................................

Rhin- .......................................................

Trache- ....................................................

Arthr- ...............................................’.......

Oste- .......................................................

EXERCISE E. Translate into English.

1.    Gardło prowadzi do krtani zawierającej struny głosowe, których wibracje wytwarzają głos.

2.    Pacjent skarży się na ból gardła, chrypkę i trudności w oddychaniu.

3.    Wieczorem j ego temperatura gwałtownie podwyższyła si ę.

4.    Proszę rozebrać się do pasa.

5.    Oddychaj głęboko przez nos; zatrzymaj oddech na chwilę.

6.    Z początku kaszel był suchy, lecz teraz pacjent wykrztusza plwocinę.


English for Medical Students and Doctors — 1 - E. Donesch-Jcżo


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